rtoken-project / rtoken-monorepo

RToken Ethereum monorepo
89 stars 43 forks source link

rToken Monorepo


Our Wares:

Package Description Type Packages used
:scroll: @rtoken/contracts Magic sauce Truffle / JS module none
:hammer_and_wrench: @rtoken/utils Utility library JS module @rtoken/contracts
:satellite: @rtoken/api Open API api.rdai.money Express.js server @rtoken/utils

Looking for something else?

Example dapps and more can be found in our other repos:

Package Description Type Packages used
:money_with_wings: Official dapp (link) Code for the dapp deployed at app.rdai.money Vue App @rtoken/contracts
:crown: Example dapp - High Priests (link) Code for the dapp deployed at highpriests.rdai.money React App (Gatsby) @rtoken/api, @rtoken/utils
:telescope::stars: rToken Explorer (link) Code for the explorer deployed at explorer.rdai.money React App rDAI Subgraph (see @rtoken/utils)