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Speakerinnen* birthday next Tuesday (and international womens' day) #52

Open langjoh opened 8 years ago

langjoh commented 8 years ago

Next tuesday at taz there will be a birthday party for the platform speakerinnen*, that was programmed in the Rails Girls study group Ruby Monstas. I would really like to go there and was wondering if any of you are interested as well? Here's the link:!161906/

Maybe we can go on a study group excursion? ;)

stefanwille commented 8 years ago

Let's talk about this on Saturday.

langjoh commented 8 years ago

So far I talked to Stefan and Conny and they both like the idea of going to this party. What about the others who are planning to come on Tuesday? @mariaalavez @yuluoluo BTW is Sandra already part of this group on Github and can read these messages?

mariaalavez commented 8 years ago

Hi all! I can definitely come! but a bit later. It depends on the day's workload :)

stefanwille commented 8 years ago

No, I emailed Sandra before for her GitHub handle, haven't received it yet.

stefanwille commented 8 years ago

Okay, since I am still sick, let's do this: You guys go to the SpeakerInnnen party and I will stay in bed.

supernoir commented 8 years ago

Get well soon, @stefanwille!

stefanwille commented 8 years ago

Heads up to everybody: Today will be no session at HERE, the group will go to the SpeakerInnen party.