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I fixed my computer! #447

Open ruebenramirez opened 3 years ago

ruebenramirez commented 3 years ago

The other day, in a moment of weakness for gui things, I installed latte-dock thinking that I would really like a dock to launch applications from. I run i3wm on my primary machine, and even when I’m on other machines I nearly always end up calling up a launcher to type the app I want to run.

I ended up installing the latte-dock package on my gnome environment. It pulled in a TON of KDE dependencies, which I later found out broke some things.

After the installation and then removal of latte-dock, I realized that when I took screenshots with the flameshot app, the app would just hang. This bit of useful info really helped pinpoint that it was the latte-dock installation that screwed things up:

So I set out to remove latte-dock and all the dependencies that came along with it.

sudo apt purge latte-dock 

This ran simply enough, but it left all the dependencies that had auto-installed.

sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean

Nothing was done. Hmmmm, that’s odd… It was the last thing I installed, so I figured I would just manually uninstall the whole list of packages manually. I ended up using some vim and sed magic to export the list of packages, clean up the list to isolate the package names and minted a tiny bash script to uninstall all of these deps.

As this small uninstall script was running, I noticed a few instances of “notify” packages scroll by. No doubt those were the problematic packages that wrecked my dunst installation and flameshot screen captures downstream.

Last thing! Reconfigure the dunst notifier install.

sudo apt install --reinstall dunst

Now all is right in my little linux world again.