ruffrey / strength

Quick and dirty password strength evaluation
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Adding more repeating characters to password lowers score #2

Open bergkvist opened 7 years ago

bergkvist commented 7 years ago

Expected behaviour: Adding repetitive characters to the end of a password should slightly increase the total entropy of the password (and thus the score), although not by much.

Actual behaviour: Adding repetitive characters lowers the score!

Example: totalEntropy(ar.D4eU[J~Kk_iU$$$$) > totalEntropy(ar.D4eU[J~Kk_iU$$) > totalEntropy(ar.D4eU[J~Kk_iU$)

But the scores are as follows: strength(ar.D4eU[J~Kk_iU$) = 4.75 strength(ar.D4eU[J~Kk_iU$$) = 4.25 strength(ar.D4eU[J~Kk_iU$$$$) = 3.75

ruffrey commented 7 years ago

Wow, didn't realize anybody was still using this. I'd be happy to accept a PR. I might try to add this, but make no promises ;)

niftylettuce commented 4 years ago
