User sends event via client.send_event(task_id, session_id, event_def)
EventDefinition contains event_obj_str which is serialized representation of event as well as agent_id
Within the execution of the Workflow, that is under WorkflowService.process_call a background asyncio Task is spawned that deals with passing events to the Workflow.
a new e2e test is added
a new unit test to workflow_service has been added
coverage: 65.613% (+0.1%) from 65.5%
when pulling aaca65504cfaa46c1e786e002cc29e179bc1bbc1 on nerdai/add-send_event-to-sessionclient
into 73ea5949bbb8e99bacd16d1cada2a444861a9cfa on main.
With current implementation:
client.send_event(task_id, session_id, event_def)
which is serialized representation of event as well asagent_id
a background asyncio Task is spawned that deals with passing events to the Workflow.Testing: