rundeck-plugins / rundeck-ec2-nodes-plugin

Get resource node data from Amazon EC2
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unable to find valid certification path to requested target #87

Closed pdanchak closed 6 years ago

pdanchak commented 6 years ago

AWS EC2 Resources Produces nodes from AWS EC2 Assume Role ARN: Rundeck-LE Synchronous Loading: Yes Async Refresh Interval: 30 HTTP Proxy Port: 80 Use Default Mapping: Yes

error show: com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

pdanchak commented 6 years ago

certs need to be added to truststore

openssl s_client -connect > stsamazonaws.out keytool -import -storepass adminadmin -noprompt -alias stsamazonaws -keystore /etc/rundeck/ssl/truststore -file stsamazonaws.out