ruotianluo / pytorch-faster-rcnn

pytorch1.0 updated. Support cpu test and demo. (Use detectron2, it's a masterpiece)
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How can l extract the features associated to each bounding box ? #103

Open pinkfloyd06 opened 6 years ago

pinkfloyd06 commented 6 years ago

Hello @ruotianluo,

Let me first thank you for your clean code.

l would like to extract the features associated to each bounding box using as you suggested :


Is there a way to extract the learned features ?

2) In scores, boxes = im_detect(net, im)returns scores.shape=(300, 21) boxes.shape=(300, 84)

l understand that there are 300 boxes. isn't it ? but l don't understand what is 21 and 84 ?

Thank you for your answer

ruotianluo commented 6 years ago

21 is the number of classes in pascal Voc. 84 is 21x4, for each class, there is a bounding box regressor.

pinkfloyd06 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your answer @ruotianluo. 1) How can l extract the learned features associated to each bounding box ? l suppose that vectors of dimension 2048. 2) If l test this pretrained model on my custom dataset, am l supposed to get also scores and boxes of shape scores.shape=(300, 21) and boxes.shape=(300, 84) ?

ruotianluo commented 6 years ago
  1. You need to customize the Make the features exposable. The features you want is the fc7 here

  2. No. You need to change the NUM_CLASSES config.

pinkfloyd06 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

2- There is no NUM_CLASSES in config classes

3- boxes.shape=(300, 84) so boxes[0]=(84,) are boxes of the following coordinate format :
boxes[0]=[x{0,1},y{0,1},x{0,2},y{0,2},...,x{20,1},y{20,1},x{20,2},y{20,2}] ?

ruotianluo commented 6 years ago

Sorry, my mistake. it's the arguments of create_architecture function.

I can't remember clearly. You can print it out and verify what it is. I think you are right.

pinkfloyd06 commented 6 years ago

l confirm that. It is (x1,y1,x2,y2)

king-zark commented 6 years ago

how can I get the feature vectors of all the RoI we selected, like in Bottom-up paper? Because fc7 seems to be the final vector, and I can not get the attention feature for image caption. @ruotianluo ,thank you @ruotianluo

king-zark commented 6 years ago

have you understood how to extract feature for each bounding box? @pinkfloyd06

king-zark commented 6 years ago

sorry, I have understood the feature. However, I meet another problem, that is: if I want to use pretrained model on MScoco dataset, the _num_anchors is wrong between 18 and 24. How should I set the parameters _anchorscales and _anchorratios @ruotianluo

Maddy12 commented 3 years ago

I would also like to understand how to extract the features for each bounding box. Can anyone share how they do this? @king-zark

JunweiLiang commented 2 years ago

You can use the output boxes to perform ROIAlign on the feature maps of the image. You can experiment with which layer to use.