rusel1989 / react-native-bluetooth-serial

Port of for react native
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cannot discover BLE peripheral #61

Open pstanton opened 7 years ago

pstanton commented 7 years ago

We are running a BLE server running debian & bluez 5.43. Other android apps such as bluepixel's BLE Scanner can find and connect to the device. However the device is not visible in paired or unpaired devices via this example app.

The docs state:

Reading and writing

In Android after you connect to peripheral write and read methods should work for most of devices out of the box. On ios with BLE it is little bit complicated, you need to know correct serice and characteristics UUIDs. Currently supported and preconfigured services are Red Bear lab, Adafruit BLE, Bluegiga, Laird Virtual Serial Port and Rongta. If you know about some services that you think should be supported send PR.

How do I configure the example app to connect to BLE peripherals?

bmoe872 commented 7 years ago

I don't think BLE is supported on Android with this Lib.