rust-build / rust-build.action

Automate publishing Rust build artifacts for GitHub releases through GitHub Actions
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Windows Defender detects Trojan in produced binary #89

Open jeroenpelgrims opened 4 months ago

jeroenpelgrims commented 4 months ago


This is only detected in the binary that was added to the release by this build action.
When I build the executable manually then no issue is detected. The binary produced by the action is also slightly larger than the one built locally. (I don't know if I used the same rust version though, that could have an effect)

In case you want to see the source for what I'm trying to build:

I've since removed the offending release from Github.

Douile commented 4 months ago

This is very alarming, would it be possible to link a virus total scan of the binary?

jeroenpelgrims commented 4 months ago

This is the report for the Windows binary: This is the report for the Linux binary (this one's clean):

I've created a new release for this issue. The original files can be looked at here:

For extra info, my initial comment only mentions 1 detection, but Windows defender showed me 2 threats in the same binary. image

Also, this is the Virustotal result for a locally built release (clean, rustc v1.73.0):

Douile commented 4 months ago

After a lot of testing I have found that any rust program cross-compiled on alpine linux linked using mingw-w64 seems to get the same detection: (I'm not sure if they get detected by windows defender as I don't have windows).

Compiling using cross-rs there is a different detection but the binary is still detected as malicious.

I believe that this is a false positive because the toolchain I used to replicate the detection would require one of the following to be compromised:

If u want to avoid any detections this might be possible by using github actions' windows runner (I haven't tested this):

    runs-on: windows-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: cargo build --release
      - uses: diamondburned/action-upload-release@main
          files: target/release/my-program.exe
jeroenpelgrims commented 4 months ago

I had to split up the build and the add-to-release since diamondburned/action-upload-release doesn't seem to support running on Windows, the paths are messed up.

I build on Windows, and then add the binary to the release on a linux job.

    types: [created]

    runs-on: windows-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: cargo build --release
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          path: ./target/release
          if-no-files-found: error
          retention-days: 1
          overwrite: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          path: .
      - uses: diamondburned/action-upload-release@main
          files: artifact/ynab-belfius.exe

But unfortunately... Same result. Both Virustotal and Windows defender seem to detect threats :(


Thank you for the thorough analysis though.

Douile commented 4 months ago

Was there previous releases that were not detected?

jeroenpelgrims commented 4 months ago


This is (one of) my first time(s):

I don't have any previous experience with building a release this way. The first detection was literally the first ever binary I managed to build through Github actions.

I'm also aware it might be something I'm doing wrong, but I can't really imagine what since building locally doesn't cause any issues.

lokkju commented 2 weeks ago

I'm having the same issue; did you discover anything further?

jeroenpelgrims commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @lokkju , I haven't found anything more out unfortunately. I only use rust in a few hobby projects of mine.