rust-community / team

the Rust Community Team 🦀⚙️✨
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A Community Team Calendar #257

Open celaus opened 5 years ago

celaus commented 5 years ago

Hi! As discussed in the all hands, a calendar for holidays, etc. and other more team oriented stuff could be useful.

Requirements so far

[ ] Shared access [ ] Import into GCal for participants [ ] Import international holidays, festivities, etc.

Teamup looks useful <- Read only access link

Access management via links:


Holidays etc via iCal feed:


flaki commented 5 years ago

Teamup looks handy! scribbles on post-it note for future personal use later

It also has per-team (and not per-user) billing so if we want longer-term data storage (which we probably do) we can subscribe to a plus/premium account w/ annual billing and call it a day...

skade commented 5 years ago

Please not that this is the discussion for a calendar for the community team to use, not a replacement of the community calendar.

I quite like what I see, I'd love to have editing access :).