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Make regular todos visible #90

Open skade opened 8 years ago

skade commented 8 years ago needs to be planned regularly. We need to find a way to make this happen and to communicate to everyone that a task was done/being worked on.

carols10cents commented 8 years ago


edunham commented 8 years ago

Here are my opinions on some answers:


After thinking through it this way, having a bot throw GitHub issues at is for monthly-or-less-frequent team TODO items sounds like it'd be a valid solution for now.

erickt commented 8 years ago

Also needs to be checked weekly:

edunham commented 7 years ago

Another regular TODO is that every Tuesday, one person should check in with each team member to see if they have anything to add to the agenda.

skade commented 7 years ago

I came across a tool called taskwarrior that handles recurrence and wondered about how well it is suited for team collaboration. Also, about the availability of a web interface suitable for people not familiar with taskwarrior.

Also, I found a certain @erickt listed as a plugin author and hope they could give some feedback.

skade commented 7 years ago

Another option would be a zapier zap that creates a github issue.

Alternatively, meetingbot could develop a case of scope creep :).

ashleygwilliams commented 6 years ago

i think it would be useful to revisit this soon as we institute more structure to the rust comm team. i'm adding this as an agenda item for next meeting.