rust-lang / rls

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Sync with rustc_span changes #1736

Closed cbeuw closed 3 years ago

cbeuw commented 3 years ago

rust-lang/rust#83813 made some changes to SourceMap and RealFileName. Now to get a string from a rustc_span::FileName or RealFileName (working_dir in rustc_span::Session is now a RealFileName because it may be remapped), we need to specify if we would like the local filesystem path or remapped path via --remap-path-prefix.

There are two files affected, the context very similar in both. I'm not entirely sure if we want the local path or remapped path here, so I just picked local path as a placeholder for opening this PR.

Closes - after updating rls module in rustc repo -

Xanewok commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot!

@bors r+

bors commented 3 years ago

:pushpin: Commit 9fae6994a59354e7907840432575bf04fe4c9d90 has been approved by Xanewok

bors commented 3 years ago

:hourglass: Testing commit 9fae6994a59354e7907840432575bf04fe4c9d90 with merge 074c8f592804c4b1b45fbfde2278549d1e689b23...

Xanewok commented 3 years ago
memory allocation of 16777216 bytes failed

Looks spurious in the WIndows runner, let's retry that @bors r-

Xanewok commented 3 years ago

@bors r+

bors commented 3 years ago

:pushpin: Commit 9fae6994a59354e7907840432575bf04fe4c9d90 has been approved by Xanewok

bors commented 3 years ago

:hourglass: Testing commit 9fae6994a59354e7907840432575bf04fe4c9d90 with merge 097d8908339e20435078233a55a1a3335fe7c2eb...

bors commented 3 years ago

:sunny: Test successful - checks-actions Approved by: Xanewok Pushing 097d8908339e20435078233a55a1a3335fe7c2eb to master...