Closed jethrogb closed 9 years ago
use std::ops::BitAnd; struct A; impl BitAnd for A { pub fn bitand(self, other: A) -> A { return self; } }
$rustc --version --verbose rustc 0.13.0-dev binary: rustc commit-hash: unknown commit-date: unknown host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu release: 0.13.0-dev $RUST_BACKTRACE=1 rustc --crate-type=rlib 11:2 error: internal compiler error: impl `VtableImpl(impl_def_id=DefId { krate: 0, node: 8 }:A.BitAnd, substs=Substs[types=[[];[];[]], regions=[[];[];[]]], nested=[[];[];[]])` did not contain projection for `Obligation(predicate=<A as TraitRef(A, core::ops::BitAnd)>::Output,depth=0)` impl BitAnd for A { pub fn bitand(self, other: A) -> A { return self; } ... note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug. note: we would appreciate a bug report: note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace thread 'rustc' panicked at 'Box<Any>', /build/buildd/rust-nightly-201501060408~c7dd3c4~trusty/src/libsyntax/ stack backtrace: 1: 0x7f5b4da2e160 - sys::backtrace::write::h2869e999018bc7f0CQs 2: 0x7f5b4da53eb0 - <unknown> 3: 0x7f5b4d9b9ce0 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::h8b739acb3b55fd19VHy 4: 0x7f5b48a69450 - <unknown> 5: 0x7f5b48a693e0 - diagnostic::SpanHandler::span_bug::h4784e9b3e2a7ed570kF 6: 0x7f5b4be5f110 - <unknown> 7: 0x7f5b4be5c500 - <unknown> 8: 0x7f5b4be49fc0 - <unknown> 9: 0x7f5b4be5d9a0 - middle::traits::project::AssociatedTypeNormalizer<'a, 'b, 'tcx>.TypeFolder<'tcx>::fold_ty::hfd8fd83cad853555OFP 10: 0x7f5b4d156b70 - <unknown> 11: 0x7f5b4d1577a0 - <unknown> 12: 0x7f5b4d1731c0 - <unknown> 13: 0x7f5b4d18a970 - <unknown> 14: 0x7f5b4d18db40 - check::wf::CheckTypeWellFormedVisitor<'ccx, 'tcx>.Visitor<'v>::visit_item::hf7248b70b9c6b449tki 15: 0x7f5b4d29ada0 - <unknown> 16: 0x7f5b4d2959e0 - check_crate::h8fa7902ab9b76426amx 17: 0x7f5b4df6d260 - driver::phase_3_run_analysis_passes::h85052bc04c895a90Sva 18: 0x7f5b4df5b790 - driver::compile_input::hc42de447758318b2vba 19: 0x7f5b4e022580 - <unknown> 20: 0x7f5b4e021330 - <unknown> 21: 0x7f5b4dab76b0 - <unknown> 22: 0x7f5b4dab76a0 - rust_try 23: 0x7f5b4e021680 - <unknown> 24: 0x7f5b4da3fce0 - <unknown> 25: 0x7f5b4828c0c0 - start_thread 26: 0x7f5b4d662ec9 - __clone 27: 0x0 - <unknown>
Not sure why the version is not coming up correctly, I'm using rust-nightly 201501060408~c7dd3c4~trusty from the PPA.
This might be a dup of #20347. Try a more recent nightly?
Fixed in 201501080408~9f1ead8~trusty.
Not sure why the version is not coming up correctly, I'm using rust-nightly 201501060408~c7dd3c4~trusty from the PPA.