Open AntonDahl opened 1 year ago
The interest of performing data augmentation for this project is double:
One way of measuring the second point is to apply anomaly detection on another type of textile and see how it can perform.
It is important to choose the right augmentation operations to avoid creating anomalies by augmenting the data.
Some ideas to implement
If you want to run the model and output the augmentation to observe what it is doing:
Run the following command
!python --phase augment --category carpet --num_epochs 3
Using this library :
And this example
self.data_transforms = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((args.load_size, args.load_size), transforms.InterpolationMode.LANCZOS),
self.data_transforms = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((args.load_size, args.load_size), transforms.InterpolationMode.LANCZOS),
transforms.ToTensor() ])
If you want to add some augmentations.
Import it by adding the class in the import line
from kornia.augmentation import RandomBoxBlur, ColorJitter, Normalize [OTHER.....]
Add in the sequential composition of augmentations:
class DataAugmentation(nn.Module):
"""Module to perform data augmentation using Kornia on torch tensors."""
def __init__(self, apply_color_jitter: bool = False) -> None:
self._apply_color_jitter = apply_color_jitter
self.transforms = nn.Sequential(
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(3, 3), border_type='reflect', p=0.75),
Normalize(mean=mean_train, std=std_train)
Run to observe output files:
!python --phase augment --category carpet --num_epochs 3
open the 2 generate files.
"img_augment.png" "img_before_augment.png"
I tried to add the RandomRotation, but the problem is that we lose information on the image and a part of the image is set to black pixels. Which could be detected as an anomaly. By using the RandomAffine(degrees=45.0, scale=(1,2), padding_mode=2, p=.75)
, we can set the scale value and the padding_mode which allows us to keep the texture of the textile everywhere on the image.
Se the difference of RandomRotation and RandomAffine on the newt two images.
Now let's compare when playing with colors, contrast, brightness, ...
Using the kornia.augmentation.ColorJiggle class.
To better understand the difference, I did not normalize the data before saving the image. The two next images are
Without normalization With normalization
Without normalization With normalization
In the commit I set it to 0.1
Adding some blur to obtain something similar to leather.
self.transforms = nn.Sequential(
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(2,2), border_type='reflect', p=0.2),
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(3,3), border_type='reflect', p=0.2),
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(5,5), border_type='reflect', p=0.2),
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(7,7), border_type='reflect', p=0.2),
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(5,5), border_type='reflect', p=0.2),
RandomBoxBlur(kernel_size=(15,15), border_type='reflect', p=0.1),
RandomAffine(degrees=45.0, scale=(1,2), padding_mode=2, p=.75),
ColorJiggle(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, p=1.),
#Normalize(mean=mean_train, std=std_train)
Find some scripts for dataAug here: