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Create WebsocketClient + Mongodb #21

Closed cyberguilletell closed 3 years ago

cyberguilletell commented 4 years ago

WebsocketClient + Mongodb The WebsocketClient now supports data gathering via MongoDB. Given a MongoDB collection, the WebsocketClient will stream results directly into the database collection.

# import PyMongo and connect to a local, running Mongo instance
from pymongo import MongoClient
import cbpro
mongo_client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')

# specify the database and collection
db = mongo_client.cryptocurrency_database
BTC_collection = db.BTC_collection

# instantiate a WebsocketClient instance, with a Mongo collection as a parameter
wsClient = cbpro.WebsocketClient(url="wss://ws-feed.pro.coinbase.com", products="BTC-USD",
    mongo_collection=BTC_collection, should_print=False)

WebsocketClient Methods The WebsocketClient subscribes in a separate thread upon initialization. There are three methods which you could overwrite (before initialization) so it can react to the data streaming in. The current client is a template used for illustration purposes only.

import cbpro, time
class myWebsocketClient(cbpro.WebsocketClient):
    def on_open(self):
        self.url = "wss://ws-feed.pro.coinbase.com/"
        self.products = ["LTC-USD"]
        self.message_count = 0
        print("Lets count the messages!")
    def on_message(self, msg):
        self.message_count += 1
        if 'price' in msg and 'type' in msg:
            print ("Message type:", msg["type"],
                   "\t@ {:.3f}".format(float(msg["price"])))
    def on_close(self):
        print("-- Goodbye! --")

wsClient = myWebsocketClient()
print(wsClient.url, wsClient.products)
while (wsClient.message_count < 500):
    print ("\nmessage_count =", "{} \n".format(wsClient.message_count))

Reference: https://github.com/danpaquin/coinbasepro-python

rxmxn commented 3 years ago

closing cause it's duplicated (-_(\