ryan-d-williams / MMM-GoogleSheets

Google Sheets Module for MagicMirror
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TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined (line 11, file "Code") #14

Closed batuhanyklmz closed 3 years ago

batuhanyklmz commented 3 years ago

When I deploy and use link from script, i keep getting this error. On the magic mirror module, it is opening, but it is keep waiting to load. Do you have any idea guys? I have done everything in instructions.

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@batuhanyklmz if the data in your sheet is not sensitive or private, can you please post the full config? That will help me determine what his going wrong with your module. This error is usually do to an improper configuration.

batuhanyklmz commented 3 years ago

I allow my excel data to everyone from sharing option. Let me share the config with you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ilquDMKfh-23HpvWyHsp765O-tGj-U1G/view?usp=sharing

Here you can find my config.js file. By the way I know it is is comment section. I did it to ignore that part.

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@batuhanyklmz the link your config file to your script does not work (https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxGe9TaH7ADp221HblDkOYwfgcnRRmLqJ-XJHNuTnpDf94AmZqb-jn3/exec).

This is likely a deployment problem. Did you deploy the script?

batuhanyklmz commented 3 years ago

Yes I deployed it maybe 16 times. Version says 16 in the deployment. There was no version selection.

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

Can you post the link it gives you when you deploy? The link you provided in the config is not correct - try typing that link into the browser and you will see it does not lead to a google apps script

batuhanyklmz commented 3 years ago

1 2


batuhanyklmz commented 3 years ago

When i deploy new one still it gives same wep app link. Yes I alos figured it out. When I click the link it does not work and could not find the error.

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@batuhanyklmz can you post a sample of your spreadsheet? Is there a sheet called "Sheet1"?

batuhanyklmz commented 3 years ago

@batuhanyklmz can you post a sample of your spreadsheet? Is there a sheet called "Sheet1"?

Actually everything works fluently now. Thank you for providing this MMM feature.

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

Happy to help!