Please include a detailed Title above. Next, please complete the following sections below:
User Story
Additional Context (optional)
Finally, press the 'Submit new issue' button. The Core Team will evaluate and prioritize your Feature Request for future development.
User Story
Please tell us about your feature request using the User Story format:
As a <persona> I want <some functionality> so that <some benefit is realized>.
At minimum, please define the <who>, <what> and <why> for your feature request. The <who> may be the system software, a component thereof, the end user, etc.; please be specific describing the context. The <what> details the solution your feature will provide; please describe the process flow for the functionality. The <why> details the benefits the feature will deliver; consider referencing alternative implementations for context.
Describe which portion(s) of BitShares Core may be impacted by your request. Please tick at least one box.
[ ] API (the application programming interface)
[ ] Build (the build process or something prior to compiled code)
[ ] CLI (the command line wallet)
[ ] Deployment (the deployment process after building such as Docker, Travis, etc.)
[ ] DEX (the Decentralized EXchange, market engine, etc.)
[ ] P2P (the peer-to-peer network for transaction/block propagation)
[ ] Performance (system or user efficiency, etc.)
[ ] Protocol (the blockchain logic, consensus, validation, etc.)
[ ] Security (the security of system or user data, etc.)
[ ] UX (the User Experience)
[ ] Other (please add below)
Additional Context (optional)
Add any other context about your request here.
Instructions Please include a detailed Title above. Next, please complete the following sections below:
Finally, press the 'Submit new issue' button. The Core Team will evaluate and prioritize your Feature Request for future development.
User Story Please tell us about your feature request using the User Story format: As a
I want<some functionality>
so that<some benefit is realized>
.At minimum, please define the
for your feature request. The<who>
may be the system software, a component thereof, the end user, etc.; please be specific describing the context. The<what>
details the solution your feature will provide; please describe the process flow for the functionality. The<why>
details the benefits the feature will deliver; consider referencing alternative implementations for context.Impacts Describe which portion(s) of BitShares Core may be impacted by your request. Please tick at least one box.
Additional Context (optional) Add any other context about your request here.