Closed naps62 closed 10 years ago
@naps62 what version of launchy
and letter_opener
are you using?
@nashby according to the Gemfile.lock
letter_opener: 1.1.2 launchy: 2.4.0
@naps62 can't reproduce your problem with these versions. Can you please provide a sample application that reproduces the error?
I just upgraded my rvm and ruby (due to the 2.0.0-p353 patch), and as a result reinstalled all gems
since then, letter_opener stopped working on my application. The file is created in
and i can manually open them in the browser, but the automatic opening (via Launchy, i think?) is not workingI know it's not something i did in the app itself, since the master branch also has this problem, which my coworkers also use with no problem