ryancdotorg / brainflayer

A proof-of-concept cracker for cryptocurrency brainwallets and other low entropy key algorithms.
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Rush Wallet #170

Open Connalgmit opened 2 years ago

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to guess the password of an old rushwallet address that has bitcoin in it, I have the rushwallet domain with the hash but not the password unfortunately. I built the package and I'm trying to to use it with the -t rush but just running into invalid argument, any ideas? Thanks

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

update - im getting "invalid rushwallet fragment" - im using - ./brainflayer -t rush -r {everything after the #} when it outputs to error to me the address seems to have changed?

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

I have also tried the same command with a different wallet and i get this error : "event not found"

ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago

Invalid rushwallet url fragment

You didn't include the !.

event not found

That's an error from your shell, probably because you need to quote the fragment including the !.

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

I have included ! at the end, does not work unfortunately. Just for a test, I created a rush wallet here - https://rw.rubixapps.com/#CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d

Password is Test123

Same problem however, invalid rush wallet fragment

ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago

Looking at this, I do believe they modified the algorithm: https://rw.rubixapps.com/app.js?v=15

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

Have tried it both ways, without the characters after !.

They stopped support in 2018, that site is a sort of legacy site, I wouldn't really trust it.

I have my URL but unfortunately don't have the password. I got the old website from the internet achieve, saved offline version and have been trying it there, with internet explorer.

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

Maybe they updated it prior to going out of business. Thanks for your help, I may have to try brute force the password another way.

ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago

I checked the code again, it should be working.

Can you please provide the exact command line you're using, with the each character after the ! replaced with 0, and the characters before replaced with X? Or, if it's simply a test run, I suppose you can share as-is.

My code doesn't care how many characters are before the !, but requires exactly 10 hex digits after, which is what I see the current code doing.

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

./brainflayer -t rush -r CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d

./brainflayer -t rush -r CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!

./brainflayer -t rush -r 6791dc865d

./brainflayer -t rush -r "CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d"

Have tried all those variations

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

Im getting "-bash: !6791: event not found" with 10 after the !

ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago

use single quotes instead of double quotes

ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago
ryanc@penguin:~/code$ echo "CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d"
-bash: !6791: event not found
ryanc@penguin:~/code$ echo 'CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d'
ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago

in bash, double quotes interpolate some metacharacters, whereas single quotes do not

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

The command runs but just freezes, have left it for over an hour, nothing happening, using an aws instance brain

ryancdotorg commented 2 years ago

It doesn't output status information unless you pass -v.

Connalgmit commented 2 years ago

still the same brain2

kenorb commented 2 years ago

still the same

You need to specify the input file (-i) or pass the content from the stdin.

kenorb commented 2 years ago
$ seq 1 100 | ./brainflayer -t rush -r 'CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d' -v
input2priv failed! continuing...
input2priv failed! continuing...
 rate:   2521.11 p/s found:     0/100        elapsed:    0.040 s

$ echo 12345 | ./brainflayer -t rush -r 'CK4s3HMg1Ro2BSYq0yKNIVgMxuBY9n!6791dc865d' -b example.blf -v
Loading... example.blf... 
input2priv failed! continuing...
 rate:      1.99 p/s found:     0/1          elapsed:    0.502 s

Despite that, it doesn't work for me either (it reads failed and printing all the keys). It's still failed when specified the bloom filter. Probably the checksum doesn't match. Same when created a new one.