ryandw11 / UltraBar

Ultra Bar Send Boss Bar messages, Titles, and Actionbars! |1.12 - 1.18|
MIT License
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How to delete bars and stop them from spamming #50

Open mohammadzeeshaniis opened 2 months ago

mohammadzeeshaniis commented 2 months ago

Hello there, I can't understand how to delete bars they are stuck on the top and not going also I wanted to know if we can coincide some bossbars on each other rather than moving up or down.

mohammadzeeshaniis commented 2 months ago

Ok my bad I got it we have to do /ultrabar cancel. But still how to make bars such that it doesn't spam?

mohammadzeeshaniis commented 2 months ago

What I mean that, at a time we can have 7 bars on our screen but I want it such that the bar overlap each other to not create mess on the screen

ryandw11 commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately that is not possible. The location of the boss bars and how many can be visible on a screen is a minecraft limitation. Auto merging bars in a way that would work in every scenario is pretty much impossible, so I don't see this being a feature of Ultra Bar either.