ryanj / commander-1k

nodejs commander and dashboard for 1k-container demo
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Wire up a watcher #7

Closed ryanj closed 9 years ago

ryanj commented 9 years ago

Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/swagger or https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-kubernetes-client to set up a few watchers.

ryanj commented 9 years ago

It looks like node-kubernetes-client only makes a single watcher endpoint available: watchPods

watchPods is probably a good starting point. Once we get pod statuses flowing, we can work on adding other status messages as well.

ryanj commented 9 years ago

Fetch an access token here: https://openshift-master.summit.paas.ninja:8443/oauth/token/display

Then run:

OPENSHIFT_SERVER=openshift-master.summit.paas.ninja:8443 ACCESS_TOKEN=$YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN npm start
ryanj commented 9 years ago
