Discord Rich Presence Integration v1.3.0-beta-6+4aec8f6: artwork uploader exited with status: 1 and error: Error while parsing imgur response from {"errors":[{"id":"legacy-api-754bc898f4-p252l/82NfTz7si0-391750","code":"429","status":"Too Many Requests","detail":"Too Many Requests"}]}
: missing field data at line 1 column 138
Discord Rich Presence Integration v1.3.0-beta-6+4aec8f6: artwork uploader exited with status: 1 and error: Error while parsing imgur response from {"errors":[{"id":"legacy-api-754bc898f4-p252l/82NfTz7si0-391750","code":"429","status":"Too Many Requests","detail":"Too Many Requests"}]} : missing field
at line 1 column 138