s3alfisc / wildboottestjlr

Fast Wild Cluster Bootstrap Inference for OLS/IV in R based on WildBootTests.jl & JuliaConnectoR
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Note: All features of wildboottestjlr are fully integrated into fwildclusterboot.


wildboottestjlr ports the functionality of the WildBootTests.jl package to R via the JuliaConnectoR package. At the moment, it supports the following features of WildBootTests.jl:

The following model objects are currently supported:

In the future, IV methods for fixest and lfe will be added.

Installation / Getting Started

wildboottestjlr can be installed by running


You can install Julia by following the steps described here: https://julialang.org/downloads/. WildBootTests.jl can then be installed via Julia’s package management system.

To install WildBootTests.jl and Julia from within R, you can use wildboottestjlr::wildboottestjlr_setup(). Via wildboottestjlr_setup(), you can install Julia and WildBootTests.jl and connect R and Julia. You simply have to follow the instructions printed in the console!


Similarly, you can set the number of Julia threads by running


and following the instructions.


wildboottestjlr's central function is boottest(). Beyond few minor differences, it largely mirrors the boottest() function from the fwildclusterboot package.

The Wild Bootstrap for OLS

# set a 'global' seed in the Julia session
set_julia_seed(rng = 12313452435)
#> <Julia object of type MersenneTwister>
#> MersenneTwister(12313452435)


# estimation via lm(), fixest::feols() or lfe::felm()
lm_fit <- lm(proposition_vote ~ treatment  + log_income, data = voters)
feols_fit <- feols(proposition_vote ~ treatment  + log_income, data = voters)
felm_fit <- felm(proposition_vote ~ treatment  + log_income, data = voters)

boot_lm <- boottest(lm_fit, clustid = "group_id1", B = 999, param = "treatment", rng = 7651427)
boot_feols <- boottest(feols_fit, clustid = "group_id1", B = 999, param = "treatment", rng = 7651427)
boot_felm <- boottest(felm_fit, clustid = "group_id1", B = 999, param = "treatment", rng = 7651427)

# summarize results via summary() method

# also possible: use msummary() from modelsummary package
msummary(list(boot_lm, boot_feols, boot_felm), 
        estimate = "{estimate} ({p.value})", 
        statistic = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]"
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
1\*treatment = 0 0.089 (0.001) 0.089 (0.001) 0.089 (0.001)
\[0.039, 0.142\] \[0.039, 0.142\] \[0.039, 0.142\]
Num.Obs. 300 300 300
R2 0.045 0.045 0.045
R2 Adj. 0.039 0.039 0.039
R2 Within
R2 Pseudo
AIC -1.9 -3.9
BIC 12.9 7.2
Log.Lik. 4.950 4.950
# plot(boot_lm)

The Wild Bootstrap for IV (WRE)

If boottest() is applied based on an object of type ivreg, the WRE bootstrap Davidson & MacKinnon (2010) is run.

data("SchoolingReturns", package = "ivreg")
data <- SchoolingReturns

ivreg_fit <- ivreg(log(wage) ~ education + age + ethnicity + smsa + south + parents14 |
                  nearcollege + age  + ethnicity + smsa + south + parents14,
                data = data)

boot_ivreg <- boottest(object = ivreg_fit, B = 999, param = "education", clustid = "fameducation", type = "webb")

#> boottest.ivreg(object = ivreg_fit, clustid = "fameducation", 
#>     param = "education", B = 999, type = "webb")
#>  Hypothesis: 1*education = 0
#>  Observations: 3010
#>  Bootstr. Iter: 999
#>  Bootstr. Type: webb
#>  Clustering: 1-way
#>  Confidence Sets: 95%
#>  Number of Clusters: 9
#>              term  estimate statistic    p.value   conf.low conf.high
#> 1 1*education = 0 0.0904587  2.207293 0.01901902 0.01356883 0.2421277


After compilation, wildboottestjlr is orders of magnitude faster than fwildclusterboot, in particular when the number of clusters N_G and the number of bootstrap iterations B get large.

The benchmarks plot the median value of 3 runs of a linear regression with N = 10.000 and k = 21.