sabeechen / hassio-google-drive-backup

Automatically create and sync Home Assistant backups into Google Drive
MIT License
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Backups got significantly smaller #1030

Open RubenKelevra opened 2 months ago

RubenKelevra commented 2 months ago

I noticed that my backups got significantly smaller over the past 2 weeks. From 3.3 GB down to just 350 MB.

I can't remember that I deleted anything, so it looks like something isn't really working either in HA or in this add-on and not all data is being backed up.

Screenshot 2024-04-24 161023

The last full backup also lists the expected content:

Screenshot 2024-04-24 161104

However, the full backup before (also ~350 MB) only lists the config files as content!?

Screenshot 2024-04-24 161114

sabeechen commented 1 month ago

To see the contents and addon sizes, the backup has to be copied back into Home Assistant. It looks like you only have 2024.04.17 in Home Assistant.

While its possible the addon did something wrong, its much more likely that an addon or home assistant update caused some part of the backup to be smaller HA for example often changes around their database which can make backupsizes jump around. I'd need you to identify whats missing to know if there is something I should fix.