saeaadl / emv2

AADL Error Model V2 annex language
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allow EMV2 specific property associations for core model elements #31

Open reteprelief opened 7 years ago

reteprelief commented 7 years ago

Currently EMV2 specific property associations are declared in the properties section of EMV2. However, we can only associate values to EMV2 model elements. There has been a user need to associate an EMV2 specific property with the enclosing component or a subcomponent.

buzden commented 7 years ago

Could this user provide a short example of a model where it is needed and actions that are need to be done with this model?

jjhugues commented 4 years ago

More details are required here.

sprocter commented 4 years ago

I think what @reteprelief meant was that there was a general "user need" rather than a specific user who needs this. That said, I've been interested in this capability (and implemented it in OSATE, though that implementation has been subsequently removed) so I can explain it a little bit.

In brief, what would be nice is being able to take some EMV2-specific element A (in the example below, an error type) and associate it directly with some model element B (in the example, a port connection). I was using this to heavily annotate A's existence in the context of B in order to drive report generation.

Consider the following example, which is from my dissertation work (overview here, downloadable model here).

package PulseOx_Forwarding_System
with PulseOx_Interface, PulseOx_Forwarding_Logic, PulseOx_Forwarding_Display, 
    PulseOx_Forwarding_Properties, MAP_Properties, MAP_Error_Properties,

    system PulseOx_Forwarding_System
    end PulseOx_Forwarding_System;

    system implementation PulseOx_Forwarding_System.imp
        -- Physiological inputs
        pulseOx : device PulseOx_Interface::ICEpoInterface.imp;

        -- App logic
        appLogic : process PulseOx_Forwarding_Logic::PulseOx_Logic_Process.imp;
        appDisplay : process PulseOx_Forwarding_Display::PulseOx_Display_Process.imp;
        -- From device to logic
        spo2_to_logic : port pulseOx.SpO2 -> appLogic.SpO2;

        -- From device to display
        spo2_to_display : port pulseOx.SpO2 -> appDisplay.SpO2
        {MAP_Properties::Channel_Delay => 150 ms;};

        -- From logic to display
        alarm_to_display : port appLogic.DerivedAlarm -> appDisplay.DerivedAlarm;
    annex EMV2 {**
        use types PulseOx_Forwarding_Errors;
        MAP_Error_Properties::Occurrence => [
            Kind => NotProviding;
            Hazard => PulseOx_Forwarding_Error_Properties::MissedAlarm;
            ViolatedConstraint => PulseOx_Forwarding_Error_Properties::ShowAllAlarms;
            Title => "Bad SpO2";
            Cause => "The SpO2 values from the pulse oximeter are too high, so the alarm is missed";
            Compensation => "None";
            Impact => reference(SpO2ValueHigh); -- SpO2ValueHigh is an error type
->      ] applies to alarm_to_display; -- This line is an error
        MAP_Error_Properties::Occurrence => [
            Kind => ValueHigh;
            Hazard => PulseOx_Forwarding_Error_Properties::BadInfoDisplayed;
            ViolatedConstraint => PulseOx_Forwarding_Error_Properties::ShowGoodInfo;
            Title => "Bad SpO2";
            Cause => "Incorrect SpO2 values are sent to the display";
            Compensation => "None";
            Impact => reference(SpO2ValueHigh); -- SpO2ValueHigh is an error type
->      ] applies to spo2_to_display; -- This line is also an error
    end PulseOx_Forwarding_System.imp;
end PulseOx_Forwarding_System;

The Occurrence property is defined as follows:

Occurrence : record (
    Kind : MAP_Error_Properties::KindsType;
    Hazard : MAP_Error_Properties::Hazard;
    ViolatedConstraint : MAP_Error_Properties::Constraint;
    Title : aadlstring;
    Cause : aadlstring;
    Compensation : aadlstring;
    Impact : reference ({emv2}**error type);
) applies to (port connection);
jjhugues commented 4 years ago

We need a minimal working example on which we can experiment. Two needs:

jjhugues commented 3 years ago

Check intersection with saeaadl/aadlv2.2#20 for common resolutions