saeedalipoor / icono

One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS
MIT License
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how about add support for child ::after ::before ? #46

Closed sgf closed 6 years ago

sgf commented 6 years ago

such likes when some tags likes


we hope has an easy way to add icon before every li. so if we can use them like this: icono-bars

 <li><i class="icono-bars"></i>aaaa</li>
 <li ><i class="icono-bars"></i>bbb</li>
 <li><i class="icono-bars"></i>cccc</li>
 <li><i class="icono-bars"></i>dddd</li>
 <li><i class="icono-bars"></i>eeeee</li>

but if there is easy like this:

/*icono-bars,icono-bars-child-after, icono-bars-child-before*/
icono-bars,icono-bars-child-after > *::after,icono-bars-child-before > *::before
.....incon style code
<ul class="icono-bars-child-before">
 <li >bbb</li>
sgf commented 6 years ago



can be shortly like


thats will much the better

saeedalipoor commented 6 years ago

Eash icon needs a tag and its pseudo elements, so this feature can't be added.