Open 46c4a3ed-0524-4a7d-a465-68e95557bd76 opened 10 years ago
Branch: u/foosterhof/ticket/16471
Commit: 7ad579b
The push implements the push_relabel method, which has an interface much like the flow and _ford_fulkerson methods, except that it has 2 extra optional arguments:
For those interested: This was my testsuite used:
def test_small_graphs(rangeList = xrange(2, 5)):
use_labels = False
value = True
total = 0
def test_graph(A):
count = 0
for s in xrange(0, n-1):
for t in xrange(0, n-1):
count += 1
if s != t and A.shortest_path(s, t) != []:
f1, G1 = A._ford_fulkerson(s, t, value_only=value, use_edge_labels= use_labels)
f2, G2 = A.push_relabel(s, t, value_only=value, use_edge_labels = use_labels)
if abs(f1-f2) > 10**(-14)*f1:
print 'Unequal Flows in graph; Ford-Fulkerson:', f1, ' - Push-Relabel:', f2
return False, A, s, t
return True, None, None, count
for n in rangeList:
G = graphs.CompleteGraph(n)
E = G.edges()
for EP in powerset(E):
A = Graph(n, loops=False)
if use_labels:
for e in A.edge_iterator():
A.set_edge_label(e[0],e[1], 1+random()*99)
good, A, s, t = test_graph(A)
if good:
total += t
return False, A, s, t
E = G.to_directed().edges()
for EP in powerset(E):
A = DiGraph(n, loops=False)
if use_labels:
for e in A.edge_iterator():
A.set_edge_label(e[0],e[1], 1+random()*99)
good, A, s, t = test_graph(A)
if good:
total += t
return False, A, s, t
print 'Done with', n
print 'Done, total number of instances done:', total
return True, None, None, None
def test_random_graphs(size, probability, count):
for i in xrange(count):
G = digraphs.RandomDirectedGNP(size, probability)
if G.shortest_path(0, size-1) != []:
f1 = G._ford_fulkerson(0, size-1, use_edge_labels=True, value_only=True)
f2 = G.push_relabel(0, size-1, use_edge_labels=True, value_only=True)
if abs(f1-f2) > 10**(-14)*f1:
print 'Unequal Flows in graph; Ford-Fulkerson:', f1, ' - Push-Relabel:', f2, ' - Absolute Error:', abs(f1-f2), ' - Relative Error:', abs(f1-f2)/f1
def test(cmd, sort, num):
import cProfile, pstats, StringIO
pr = cProfile.Profile()
ps = pstats.Stats(pr).strip_dirs().sort_stats(sort).print_stats(num)
with the collowing calling code:
test("good, A, s, t = test_small_graphs([2, 3, 4])", 'cumulative', int(10))
# NOTE: This test can run extremely long!!
#test("good, A, s, t = test_small_graphs([5])", 'cumulative', int(10))
# NOTE: This test can also run extremely long when all values (now commented) are used.
for size in [10, 20, 50]: #, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000]:
for probability in [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]:
count = 10000/size
test("test_random_graphs(" + str(size) + "," + str(probability) + "," + str(count) + ")", 'cumulative', int(10))
The testsuite could sure use some revamping, as for instance isomorphism is now neglected, meaning alot of double work, but that is not relevant for its results.
There are a few questions I have for people out there:
sage: dev.checkout(16471)
sage: dev.pull(16467)
sage: dev.pull(16470)
Is this correct, or is there perhaps a cleaner way to do this?
With kind regards,
Florian Oosterhof
New commits:
cf35184 | Added push_relabel and defaulted all methods that used "FF" to "PR" |
60c0c0f | Added insert and remove methods, as well as redid internal storage to become actual Doubly Linked List |
50a8248 | Merge branch 'u/foosterhof/ticket/16467' of git:// into ticket/16471 |
c0dd8ff | Added optional argument (default False) to report distance along with vertex |
c2915be | Merge branch 'u/foosterhof/ticket/16470' of git:// into ticket/16471 |
ea9e03f | Fixed small errors |
f8a86c0 | Added is_empty method |
ee43e8f | Merge branch 'u/foosterhof/ticket/16467' of git:// into ticket/16471 |
7ad579b | Fixed small error in usage of DoublyLinkedList |
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
f3f29a1 | Added import for DiGraph |
Hello !!
Please provide timings if you want to make your function the default one. Also, could you rename it to _push_relabel
, as it is the case already for Ford-Fulkerson ?
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
900e255 | Renamed to _push_relabel and fixed flow graph generation |
Profiling Code:
def test_small_graphs(rangeList = xrange(2, 5)):
use_labels = False
value = True
total = 0
def test_graph(A):
count = 0
for s in xrange(0, n-1):
for t in xrange(0, n-1):
count += 1
if s != t and A.shortest_path(s, t) != []:
f1 = A._ford_fulkerson(s, t, value_only=value, use_edge_labels= use_labels)
f2 = A._push_relabel(s, t, value_only=value, use_edge_labels = use_labels)
if abs(f1-f2) > 10**(-14)*f1:
print 'Unequal Flows in graph; Ford-Fulkerson:', f1, ' - Push-Relabel:', f2, ' - Absolute Error:', abs(f1-f2), ' - Relative Error:', abs(f1-f2)/f1
return False, A, s, t
return True, None, None, count
for n in rangeList:
for A in graphs(n):
if use_labels:
for e in A.edge_iterator():
A.set_edge_label(e[0],e[1], 1+random()*99)
good, A, s, t = test_graph(A)
if good:
total += t
return False, A, s, t
for A in digraphs(n):
if use_labels:
for e in A.edge_iterator():
A.set_edge_label(e[0],e[1], 1+random()*99)
good, A, s, t = test_graph(A)
if good:
total += t
return False, A, s, t
print 'Done with', n
print 'Done, total number of instances done:', total
return True, None, None, None
def test_random_graphs(size, probability, count):
for i in xrange(count):
G = digraphs.RandomDirectedGNP(size, probability)
if G.shortest_path(0, size-1) != []:
f1, F1 = G._ford_fulkerson(0, size-1, use_edge_labels=True, value_only=False)
f2, F2 = G._push_relabel(0, size-1, use_edge_labels=True, value_only=False)
if abs(f1-f2) > 10**(-14)*f1:
print 'Unequal Flows in graph; Ford-Fulkerson:', f1, ' - Push-Relabel:', f2, ' - Absolute Error:', abs(f1-f2), ' - Relative Error:', abs(f1-f2)/f1
def test(cmd, sort, num):
import cProfile, pstats, StringIO
pr = cProfile.Profile()
ps = pstats.Stats(pr).strip_dirs().sort_stats(sort).print_stats(num)
Calling Code:
test("test_small_graphs([2, 3, 4])", 'cumulative', int(100))
test("test_small_graphs([5])", 'cumulative', int(15))
for size in [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000]:
for probability in [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]:
count = 10000/size
test("test_random_graphs(" + str(size) + "," + str(probability) + "," + str(count) + ")", 'cumulative', int(8))
Profiling Data:
First column after data represents the relative difference.
The second column represents the relative speedup.
In general, I think I can safely say that this method is faster, except for smaller graphs perhaps, though it seems to be at most two times as slow.
Those 2 questions from before still stand:
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
01276c0 | Fixed error when using use_global_relabeling = True |
This ticket need to be rebased, and in the meantime we have a new flow
function through igraph. Set to needs_work
The Push-Relabel method is a method to compute the Maximum Flow in a graph. Research has shown that it is both asymptotically and practically faster than several other methods, including Ford-Fulkerson, and its much used implementation, Edmonds-Karp.
I have been busy with implementing this method for Sage and will be uploading it shortly to this ticket. With it, I will explain some design decisions that I made and provide the (in my opinion) extensive testcases I ran, and later some profiling results (after all tests have ran again, since I lost my profiling info of earlier runs).
Depends on #16467 Depends on #16470
CC: @sagetrac-Rudi @nathanncohen @dcoudert @sagetrac-borassi
Component: graph theory
Keywords: maximum flow push relabel
Branch/Commit: u/foosterhof/ticket/16471 @
Issue created by migration from