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Rank of random matrices over GF(2) is bounded (again) #20493

Open kedlaya opened 8 years ago

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

This is reproducible:

sage: [random_matrix(GF(2), 25000, 25000).rank() for i in range(5)]
[19937, 19937, 19937, 19937, 19937]

A functionally equivalent computation:

sage: u = MatrixSpace(GF(2), 25000, 25000)(0)
sage: u.randomize()
sage: u.rank()

The docstring of the randomize method provides a clue:


   With the libc random number generator random(), we had problems
   where the ranks of all of these matrices would be the same (and
   they would all be far too low).  This verifies that the problem is
   gone, with Mersenne Twister:

      sage: MS2 = MatrixSpace(GF(2), 1000)
      sage: [MS2.random_element().rank() for i in range(5)]
      [999, 998, 1000, 999, 999]

So it seems that we simply kicked the can down the road, and now that we can compute ranks at this size easily using m4ri, we have found the can again. Volker Braun observed on sage-devel (see!topic/sage-devel/gDGM6bRle0A) that the 19937 is probably somehow coming from the Mersenne Twister having a period of 2^19937 - 1.

Note that the linear dependence caused by insufficiently pseudorandom number generation is quite fragile:

sage: u = MatrixSpace(GF(2), 25000, 25000)(0)
sage: u.randomize(density=0.99)
sage: u.rank()
sage: u = random_matrix(GF(101), 25000, 25000)
sage: u1 = u.change_ring(ZZ)
sage: u2 = u1.change_ring(GF(2))
sage: u2.rank()

Component: linear algebra

Keywords: random matrices, rank, pseudorandom numbers

Stopgaps: todo

Issue created by migration from

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

The relevant code fragment from sage.matrix.matrix_mod2_dense.Matrix_mod2_dense.randomize appears to be:

assert(sizeof(m4ri_word) == 8)
mask = __M4RI_LEFT_BITMASK(self._entries.ncols % m4ri_radix)
for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows:
    for j from 0 <= j < self._entries.width:
        # for portability we get 32-bit twice rather than 64-bit once
        low = gmp_urandomb_ui(rstate.gmp_state, 32)
        high = gmp_urandomb_ui(rstate.gmp_state, 32)
        self._entries.rows[i][j] = m4ri_swap_bits( ((<unsigned long long>high)<<32) | (<unsigned long long>low) )
    self._entries.rows[i][self._entries.width - 1] &= mask
dimpase commented 8 years ago
sage: [random_matrix(GF(2), 19937, 19937).rank() for i in range(5)]
[19906, 19906, 19906, 19906, 19906]
sage: [random_matrix(GF(2), 19936, 19936).rank() for i in range(5)]
[19905, 19905, 19905, 19905, 19905]

and only 19905 appears for all the tries I did for 19937>n>19905. So here the rank is off by 25-1. It seems to get sane for n<19906.

sage: [random_matrix(GF(2), 19905, 19905).rank() for i in range(5)]
[19904, 19903, 19904, 19904, 19902]
sage: [random_matrix(GF(2), 19904, 19904).rank() for i in range(5)]
[19903, 19904, 19903, 19903, 19902]

Definitely something funny with the Mersenne twister...

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

If I understand correctly how linear pseudorandom number generators work, the Mersenne twister is computing iterates of a linear operator on F_2^19937 which acts as a permutation of this space, and the values we see coming out of gmp are the result of applying some fixed linear projection from F_2^19937 to F_2^32. Since we're simply filling those bits directly into the matrix, that limits the rank to 19937.

In order to break out of this, we need to do something nonlinear with the gmp-provided bits...

vbraun commented 8 years ago

Just tacking on some nonlinear operation will just be a new prng; At that point its probably better to look into wholly different prngs. MT isn't really state of the art any more. E.g. see

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

I don't know enough about modern PRNGs to express a preference among them, but anything with a nonlinear projection would suffice to address this issue.