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Dual Semistandard Tableaux #26797

Open BruceWestbury opened 5 years ago

BruceWestbury commented 5 years ago

This is an implementation of the abstract PathTableau class. This gives the jeu-de-taquin operation of evacuation on skew semistandard tableau, the operation of promotion on rectangular semistandard tableaux, dual equivalence graphs for semistandard tableaux, and rectification of skew semistandard tableaux. These operations are constructed from an efficient implementation of the Bender-Knuth moves.

Depends on #25434

CC: @tscrim @mantepse @anneschilling @deinst @kevindilks

Component: combinatorics

Keywords: jeu de taquin

Author: Bruce

Branch: u/Bruce/semistandard

Issue created by migration from

BruceWestbury commented 5 years ago

Branch: u/Bruce/semistandard