saidinesh5 / mongoose-cpp

A rewrite of
MIT License
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cmake cpp11 http mongoose mongoose-cpp


Mongoose-C++ is a C++ wrapper around the popular mongoose lightweight web server. This started off as a fork of , to add support for threading. It is now moved to it's own repo, because mongoose-cpp itself is a fork of upstream mongoose - which we now use as vendor/mongoose git submodule.


Hello world

Here is an example, this will serve the static files from www/ directory (which is the default setting).

#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>

#include "Controller.h"
#include "Request.h"
#include "Response.h"
#include "Server.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace Mongoose;

class MyController : public Controller
    bool hello(const std::shared_ptr<Request>& req, const std::shared_ptr<Response>& res)
        std::string body =  "Hello " + req->getVariable("name", "... what's your name ?\n");
        return res->send(body);

    bool hello_delayed(const std::shared_ptr<Request>& req, const std::shared_ptr<Response>& res)
        //This is just a toy example.
        //Instead of spawning a new thread per incoming request,
        //you may use your fancy threadpool library here.
            int duration = std::stoi(req->getVariable("duration", "3"));
            res->send("Hello after " + std::to_string(duration) + " seconds\n");

        return true;

    void setup()
        addRoute("GET", "/hello", MyController, hello);
        addRoute("GET", "/hello_delayed", MyController, hello_delayed);
        addRoute("GET", "/", MyController, hello);

int main()
    MyController myController;
    Server server("8080");

    signal(SIGINT, handle_signal);


    while (true)

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Building examples

You can build examples using CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DEXAMPLES=ON ..

This will build you the cpp program with examples of GET, POST (form), session and HTTP response code

You can also enable Json example using the -DHAS_JSON11=ON option when cmake'ing, this will build the json executable. You also have to specify the JSON11_DIR that is the Json11 installation directory.

To enable url regex matching dispatcher use -DENABLE_REGEX_URL=ON option. Note that this depends on C++11.


We maintain a patched fork The upstream mongoose web server library is present as a submodule in vendor/mongoose. It is patched to enable multithreaded operations on mongoose buffers. We also use the excellent libyuarel to parse the querystring.


This project is licensed under MIT license. However, the original mongoose project license is different, have a look to the vendor/mongoose/LICENSE file for more information.