sailfish-oneplus6 / sf-enchilada

Instructions and releases for Sailfish OS for the OnePlus 6/T
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[After Reboot OS not working][<Fajita><OnePlus6T>] #11

Open SevralTimes opened 4 years ago

SevralTimes commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug The bug is that if you turn off the device or reboot. At the next boot, the system boots up but does not respond to anything.

I can’t take the log, because I can’t interact with the system at all.

SevralTimes commented 4 years ago

And at the last version I can't login to Jolla account!!!

MrCyjaneK commented 4 years ago

I can confirm, device boots and then locks with black screen. After few tries I was able to interact with halium-init over telenet and after I typed reboot in it it just booted normally

MrCyjaneK commented 4 years ago

Yup, after few tries device boots normally

Mastermenjj commented 2 years ago


kcroot commented 7 months ago

And at the last version I can't login to Jolla account!!!

Same for me