saizai / gayhomophobe

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Clarification that most homophobia is from straights? #26

Open saizai opened 3 years ago

saizai commented 3 years ago

Received the comment below.

Obviously it is true that the supermajority of bigots are straight, as is most of the anti-LGBT bullshit. The site doesn't attempt to track them; too many and not hypocritical.

I don't think that the site endorses the "primarily self-oppression" view discussed below, and it certainly isn't intended to. There are such people, and they're the ones on the site, but they are obviously not the majority of people voting against us.

Still, it may be worth adding some sort of concise, witty statement about this on the site.

Regarding the science aspect, please put discussion in #4.


Hello, I believe you guys are the creators behind and while I don’t have anything against you guys documenting the (albeit rare) phenomenon of homophobic people in power turning out to be gay, I just came here to say that I hope you guys are not trying to unironically insinuate some false narrative that homophobes are all secretly gay. I’m not saying that you guys believe in this per se, but I have seen this narrative perpetuated by liberal straight people as well as liberal LGBT people and I find it very infuriating.

This harmful narrative needs to end, it suggests that gay people are responsible for their own oppression & it exempts straight people from any responsibility and accountability for their own bigotry because they can just blame it on closeted gay people. This rhetoric pushes the idea that homophobia is something that is coming from within the community rather than something that is done to the community by heterosexuals, who invented it & systematically implemented it to oppress us. The vast majority of homophobes are straight and I wish people who spread this false narrative would recognise that. Blaming homophobia on closeted gay people is so sinister and it isn’t as woke as some people may think it is.

And of course woke liberal straight people LOVE this narrative since they get to exempt themselves from homophobia. I found out about after arguing with a straight man online who believed the vast majority of homophobes are secretly gay and he linked me your website. It’s not lost on me why I’ve come across so many straight men who spew this narrative, they really try their hardest to push the blame of homophobia onto gay people instead by suggesting that we’re responsible for our own oppression & discrimination.

Again, I’m not accusing you of anything but I think a lot of straight people have gotten a bit to comfortable with this narrative and I don’t like it. I’m not saying you have to take down the website (though I do think it’s weird that you guys are a bit obsessed with the sexualities of homophobes which leads me to believe that you do subscribe to the “homophobes are secretly gay” narrative) but I really wish you could have at least a side note or a disclaimer on your website that goes over what I’ve been saying and how the vast majority of homophobes are in fact not gay and straight people shouldn’t feel to comfortable exempting themselves from homophobia by pushing the blame onto closeted gay people.

Like I said, I find it weird that this website exists in the first place. Like yes there are marginalized people who work against their own interests, this is nothing new. There are conservative women who campaign against abortion and even manage to pass abortion bills in the US. There are conservative black people who trash on the Black Lives Matter movement. This phenomenon isn’t just seen in gay people so I don’t really understand the obsession with calling all homophobes secretly gay and exempting straight people from homophobia when we would never suggest that women are the real misogynists who are more misogynistic than men (the people who literally invented patriarchy and misogyny) just because there are conservative women who work against their own interests.

And no, 43 people - the majority being almost entirely white men - in the span of almost 20 years turning out to be gay is not evidence that homophobes are all secretly gay lol. Do you have a database for all the times that wasn’t the case and they turned out to be straight? You don’t because that would be a VERY long list lmfao. Like I’m pretty sure the conservative/republican party consists of more than just 43 people. There are millions of people who are conservative - not just in the US - but across the globe. Now I don’t want to insinuate that all conservatives/republicans are homophobic, but if even half of them were, that would still be millions of conservatives/republicans who are homophobic, and yet only 43 people in the span of almost 20 years has turned out to be gay, not very impressive.

And regarding the 1996 study that supposedly concluded that homophobic men harbour homosexual feelings; Just 64 heterosexual men, all college students, comprised the original study group. The method used to assess sexual arousal in that study, the penile plethysmograph, has recently come under fire in judicial & academic circles for variation in testing & the potential for false results.

Moreover, the researchers admitted the possibility that viewing gay stimuli causes negative emotions such as anxiety in homophobic men. Anxiety has been shown to enhance arousal & erection, this theory would predict increases in erection in homophobic men

The results to another study that people conveniently never bring up suggests that defensive homophobes have an implicit aversion rather than an implicit attraction to gay sexual stimuli.

So please, drop this annoying, false and harmful narrative because it does more harm to gay people than you realise when you blame them for their own oppression. I hope you understand my concerns and where I am coming from regarding and the message it might be sending to some people. Thank you.