sajjjadayobi / FaceLib

Face Analysis: Detection, Age Gender Estimation & Recognition
MIT License
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age-gender deep-learning face face-detection face-recognition facial-expression-recognition gender-estimation pytorch recognition retinaface

FaceLib: Face Analysis

Used for face detection, facial expression, AgeGender estimation and recognition with PyTorch.

How to use:

Check this example_notebook or take a look at the following sections

1. Face Detection: RetinaFace

You can use these backbone networks: Resnet50, mobilenet. Default model is mobilenet and it will be automatically downloaded.

2. Face Alignment: Using face landmarkd

For face aligment always use the detect_align function it gives you better performance.

Original Aligned & Resized Original Aligned & Resized
image image image image

3. Age & Gender Estimation:

ShufflenetFull is the default model, and it will be automatically downloaded.

faces, boxes, scores, landmarks = face_detector.detect_align(image) genders, ages = age_gender_detector.detect(faces) print(genders, ages)

## 4. Facial Expression Recognition:
The default model is `densnet121` and it will be automatically downloaded. Note that face size must be (224, 224).
- Emotion detector live on your webcam
from facelib import WebcamEmotionDetector
detector = WebcamEmotionDetector()

faces, boxes, scores, landmarks = face_detector.detect_align(image) emotions, probab = emotion_detector.detect_emotion(faces)

- on my Webcam 🙂
![Alt Text](

## 5. Face Recognition: InsightFace
- This module is a pytorch reimplementation of Arcface(paper), or Insightface(Github)

#### Pretrained Models & Performance
- IR-SE50

| LFW(%) | CFP-FF(%) | CFP-FP(%) | AgeDB-30(%) | calfw(%) | cplfw(%) | vgg2_fp(%) |
| ------ | --------- | --------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- | ---------- |
| 0.9952 | 0.9962    | 0.9504    | 0.9622      | 0.9557   | 0.9107   | 0.9386     |
- Mobilefacenet

| LFW(%) | CFP-FF(%) | CFP-FP(%) | AgeDB-30(%) | calfw(%) | cplfw(%) | vgg2_fp(%) |
| ------ | --------- | --------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- | ---------- |
| 0.9918 | 0.9891    | 0.8986    | 0.9347      | 0.9402   | 0.866    | 0.9100     |

#### Prepare the Facebank
Save the images of the **faces** you want to detect in this folder

Insightface/models/data/facebank/ ---> person_1/ ---> img_1.jpg ---> img_2.jpg ---> person_2/ ---> img_1.jpg ---> img_2.jpg

You can save a new preson in facebank with 2 ways:
- Use `add_from_webcam`: it takes 4 images and saves them on facebank.
 from facelib import add_from_webcam


The default model is mobilenet and it will be automatically downloaded

conf = get_config()

conf.use_mobilenet=False # if you want to use the bigger model

detector = FaceDetector(device=conf.device) face_rec = FaceRecognizer(conf)

set True when you add someone new to the facebank

update_facebank_for_add_new_person = False if update_facebank_for_add_new_person: targets, names = update_facebank(conf, face_rec.model, detector) else: targets, names = load_facebank(conf)

image = cv2.imread(your_path) faces, boxes, scores, landmarks = detector.detect_align(image) results, score = face_rec.infer(faces, targets) print(names[results.cpu()]) for idx, bbox in enumerate(boxes): special_draw(image, bbox, landmarks[idx], names[results[idx]+1], score[idx])


Reference: [InsightFace](