salgo60 / Wikidata_riksdagen-corpus

repository for matching Wikidata with riksdagen-corpus
MIT License
12 stars 1 forks source link

Riksdagens Öppna data måste kopplas ihop med Kungliga Bibliotekets data #81

Open salgo60 opened 1 year ago

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

As the historical "Riksdagen data" is now created in project welfare-state-analytics/riksdagen-corpus and they are looking into get stable URI:s see #208 from Swedish Kungliga biblioteket(KB) we should avoid to create another Silo and also have that the persistent identifiers in Riksdagens Öppna data are connected to KB

See issue #208 and the need of 5 stardata #71

A temporary work around is using Wikidata but as stated wikidata should NOT be the authority

salgo60 commented 1 year ago

Jämför projekt Open Parliament TV som kopplar det som sägs i Tyska riksdagen med samma som Wikidata

