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[BUG] Issue with ldap authentication when using salt-api #66855

Open duncanupton opened 2 weeks ago

duncanupton commented 2 weeks ago

Description In both 3006.8 and 3006.9 when trying to use ldap authentication for salt-api there is an error we get related to python-ldap module even though python-ldap is installed. The error is in the /var/log/salt/master file.

2024-08-27 08:08:57,417 [ ][ERROR ][326502] LDAP authentication requires python-ldap module

Setup additional settings in salt-master:

  port: 8080
  ssl_crt: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
  ssl_key: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key

      - '*'

added these settings in ldap.conf in /etc/salt/master.d

auth.ldap.server: localhost

# Port to connect via
auth.ldap.port: 389

# Use TLS when connecting
auth.ldap.tls: False

# Use STARTTLS when connecting
auth.ldap.starttls: False

# LDAP scope level, almost always 2
auth.ldap.scope: 2

# Server specified in URI format
auth.ldap.uri: ''    # Overrides .ldap.server, .ldap.port, .ldap.tls above

# Verify server's TLS certificate
auth.ldap.no_verify: False

# Bind to LDAP anonymously to determine group membership
# Active Directory does not allow anonymous binds without special configuration
# In addition, if auth.ldap.anonymous is True, empty bind passwords are not permitted.
auth.ldap.anonymous: False

# FOR TESTING ONLY, this is a VERY insecure setting.
# If this is True, the LDAP bind password will be ignored and
# access will be determined by group membership alone with
# the group memberships being retrieved via anonymous bind
auth.ldap.auth_by_group_membership_only: False

# Require authenticating user to be part of this Organizational Unit
# This can be blank if your LDAP schema does not use this kind of OU
auth.ldap.groupou: 'Groups'

# Object Class for groups.  An LDAP search will be done to find all groups of this
# class to which the authenticating user belongs.
auth.ldap.groupclass: 'posixGroup'

# Unique ID attribute name for the user
auth.ldap.accountattributename: 'memberUid'

# These are only for Active Directory
auth.ldap.activedirectory: False
auth.ldap.persontype: 'person'

auth.ldap.minion_stripdomains: []

# Redhat Identity Policy Audit
auth.ldap.freeipa: False

I then started salt-master and salt-api I did not configure a ldap server to communicate with as the issue appears to be loading the python-ldap module. That said a customer I am working with on this issue did have an ldap server that was properly configured and they are also getting the error.

Please be as specific as possible and give set-up details.

Steps to Reproduce the behavior (Include debug logs if possible and relevant)

Run a command such as

curl -sSk https://<ip addr>:8080/login -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' -d username=<user name> -d password=<password> -d eauth=ldap

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. ldap auth should be used by salt-api calls and we should not get this error message.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Versions Report

salt --versions-report (Provided by running salt --versions-report. Please also mention any differences in master/minion versions.) ```yaml salt-call pip.list local: ---------- CherryPy: 18.10.0 Jinja2: 3.1.4 MarkupSafe: 2.1.2 PyJWT: 2.9.0 PyYAML: 6.0.1 SSEAPE: certifi: 2024.7.4 cffi: 1.14.6 charset-normalizer: 3.2.0 cheroot: 8.5.2 contextvars: 2.4 croniter: 2.0.5 cryptography: 42.0.5 distro: 1.5.0 idna: 3.7 immutables: 0.15 importlib-metadata: 6.0.0 jaraco.classes: 3.2.1 jaraco.collections: 3.4.0 jaraco.functools: 2.0 jaraco.text: 3.5.1 jmespath: 1.0.1 lief: 0.15.1 looseversion: 1.0.2 more-itertools: 5.0.0 msgpack: 1.0.2 packaging: 22.0 pika: 1.3.2 pip: 23.3.2 portend: 2.4 psutil: 5.8.0 pyOpenSSL: 24.0.0 pyasn1: 0.6.0 pyasn1_modules: 0.4.0 pycparser: 2.21 pycryptodomex: 3.19.1 python-dateutil: 2.8.1 python-gnupg: 0.4.8 python-ldap: 3.4.4 pytz: 2022.1 pyzmq: 23.2.0 relenv: ``` ```yaml salt-master --versions Salt Version: Salt: 3006.9 Python Version: Python: 3.10.14 (main, Jun 26 2024, 11:44:37) [GCC 11.2.0] Dependency Versions: cffi: 1.14.6 cherrypy: 18.10.0 cryptography: 42.0.5 dateutil: 2.8.1 docker-py: Not Installed gitdb: Not Installed gitpython: Not Installed Jinja2: 3.1.4 libgit2: Not Installed looseversion: 1.0.2 M2Crypto: Not Installed Mako: Not Installed msgpack: 1.0.2 msgpack-pure: Not Installed mysql-python: Not Installed packaging: 22.0 pycparser: 2.21 pycrypto: Not Installed pycryptodome: 3.19.1 pygit2: Not Installed python-gnupg: 0.4.8 PyYAML: 6.0.1 PyZMQ: 23.2.0 relenv: 0.17.0 smmap: Not Installed timelib: 0.2.4 Tornado: 4.5.3 ZMQ: 4.3.4 Salt Extensions: SSEAPE: System Versions: dist: centos 9 locale: utf-8 machine: x86_64 release: 5.14.0-496.el9.x86_64 system: Linux ``` My customer is also running 3006.8 but I do not have their versions report (can get it though if needed)

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

welcome[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there! Welcome to the Salt Community! Thank you for making your first contribution. We have a lengthy process for issues and PRs. Someone from the Core Team will follow up as soon as possible. In the meantime, here’s some information that may help as you continue your Salt journey. Please be sure to review our Code of Conduct. Also, check out some of our community resources including:

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Sxderp commented 2 weeks ago

python-ldap module is not shipped with Salt. You need to install it with salt-pip. A system level install is insufficient. Salt does not see / load system level Python modules.

salt-pip install python-ldap

That /should/ work, but it may not. See:

Once installed, it likely won't load. You'll get missing symbols. See: See:

In short. LDAP is broken.

doesitblend commented 2 days ago

@Sxderp Seems we are probably running into issues with relenv as you mentioned. Thanks for your comment.