samdubey / h5p-php-library

GNU General Public License v3.0
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port php library to csharp library #1

Open samdubey opened 1 month ago

samdubey commented 1 month ago

convert php classes to csharp /C# classes and make it .net library

codeautopilot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Potential solution

The task involves porting a PHP library to a C#/.NET library. This requires translating PHP classes, interfaces, and methods into their C# equivalents while ensuring that the functionality remains consistent. The solution involves creating equivalent C# classes and interfaces, handling file operations, JSON handling, and other necessary functionalities using .NET libraries.

How to implement

File: LICENSE.txt

  1. Create a License File in the .NET Project:

    • Copy the entire content of the LICENSE.txt file from the PHP project.
    • Create a new file named LICENSE.txt in the root directory of your .NET project.
    • Paste the copied content into this new file.
  2. Include the License in the Project Configuration:

    • Modify the .csproj file of your .NET project to include the license file.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <None Update="LICENSE.txt">


File: README.txt

  1. Update the README.txt file with the following content:
This folder contains the general H5P library, now ported to C#/.NET. The files within this folder are not specific to any framework.

Any interaction with an LMS, CMS, or other frameworks is done through interfaces. Platforms need to implement
the IH5PFramework interface (in H5PClasses.cs) and also do the following:

 - Provide a form for uploading H5P packages.
 - Place the uploaded H5P packages in a temporary directory.
 - Implement necessary file operations using .NET libraries.

See existing implementations for details. For instance, the original PHP H5P module located at can serve as a reference.

We will make available documentation and tutorials for creating platform integrations in the future.

The H5P .NET library is GPL licensed due to GPL code being used for purifying HTML provided by authors.

## Usage Instructions

1. **Installation**:
   - Add the H5P .NET library to your project using NuGet Package Manager.
   - Install any required dependencies.

2. **Configuration**:
   - Implement the IH5PFramework interface in your platform.
   - Configure the necessary settings for file storage and metadata handling.

3. **Uploading H5P Packages**:
   - Provide a form in your application for users to upload H5P packages.
   - Ensure the uploaded packages are placed in a temporary directory for processing.

## Dependencies

- .NET Standard 2.0 or higher
- Newtonsoft.Json (for JSON handling)
- System.IO (for file operations)
- System.Net.Http (for network operations)

## License

Open Sans font is licensed under Apache license, Version 2.0

File: h5p-event-base.class.php

  1. Convert the PHP class to a C# class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace H5P
    public abstract class H5PEventBase
        public const int LOG_NONE = 0;
        public const int LOG_ALL = 1;
        public const int LOG_ACTIONS = 2;

        public static int LogLevel = LOG_ACTIONS;
        public static int LogTime = 2592000; // 30 Days

        protected int id;
        protected string type;
        protected string subType;
        protected int contentId;
        protected string contentTitle;
        protected string libraryName;
        protected string libraryVersion;
        protected DateTime time;

        protected H5PEventBase(string type, string subType = null, int contentId = 0, string contentTitle = null, string libraryName = null, string libraryVersion = null)
            this.type = type;
            this.subType = subType;
            this.contentId = contentId;
            this.contentTitle = contentTitle;
            this.libraryName = libraryName;
            this.libraryVersion = libraryVersion;
            this.time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (ValidLogLevel(type, subType))
            if (ValidStats(type, subType))

        private static bool ValidLogLevel(string type, string subType)
            switch (LogLevel)
                case LOG_NONE:
                    return false;
                case LOG_ALL:
                    return true;
                case LOG_ACTIONS:
                    return IsAction(type, subType);

        private static bool ValidStats(string type, string subType)
            if ((type == "content" && subType == "shortcode insert") ||
                (type == "library" && subType == null) ||
                (type == "results" && subType == "content"))
                return true;
            else if (IsAction(type, subType))
                return true;
            return false;

        private static bool IsAction(string type, string subType)
            if ((type == "content" && new List<string> { "create", "create upload", "update", "update upload", "upgrade", "delete" }.Contains(subType)) ||
                (type == "library" && new List<string> { "create", "update" }.Contains(subType)))
                return true;
            return false;

        protected Dictionary<string, object> GetDataArray()
            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "created_at", time },
                { "type", type },
                { "sub_type", subType ?? string.Empty },
                { "content_id", contentId },
                { "content_title", contentTitle ?? string.Empty },
                { "library_name", libraryName ?? string.Empty },
                { "library_version", libraryVersion ?? string.Empty }

        protected List<string> GetFormatArray()
            return new List<string>

        protected abstract void Save();
        protected abstract void SaveStats();

File: h5p-development.class.php

  1. Convert the PHP class to a C# class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

public class H5PDevelopment
    public const int MODE_NONE = 0;
    public const int MODE_CONTENT = 1;
    public const int MODE_LIBRARY = 2;

    private IH5PFramework h5pF;
    private Dictionary<string, object> libraries;
    private string language;
    private string filesPath;

    public H5PDevelopment(IH5PFramework H5PFramework, string filesPath, string language, Dictionary<string, object> libraries = null)
        this.h5pF = H5PFramework;
        this.language = language;
        this.filesPath = filesPath;
        if (libraries != null)
            this.libraries = libraries;
            this.FindLibraries(Path.Combine(filesPath, "development"));

    private string GetFileContents(string file)
        if (!File.Exists(file))
            return null;

            return File.ReadAllText(file);
            return null;

    private void FindLibraries(string path)
        this.libraries = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        if (!Directory.Exists(path))

        var contents = Directory.GetDirectories(path);

        foreach (var content in contents)
            var libraryPath = Path.Combine(path, content);
            var libraryJSON = this.GetFileContents(Path.Combine(libraryPath, "library.json"));
            if (libraryJSON == null)

            var library = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(libraryJSON);
            if (library == null)

            library["libraryId"] = this.h5pF.GetLibraryId((string)library["machineName"], (int)library["majorVersion"], (int)library["minorVersion"]);

            library["metadataSettings"] = library.ContainsKey("metadataSettings") ?
                H5PMetadata.BoolifyAndEncodeSettings((Dictionary<string, object>)library["metadataSettings"]) :

            this.h5pF.SaveLibraryData(library, library["libraryId"] == null);

            library["metadataSettings"] = library.ContainsKey("metadataSettings") ?
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((string)library["metadataSettings"]) :

            library["path"] = "development/" + content;
            this.libraries[LibraryToString((string)library["machineName"], (int)library["majorVersion"], (int)library["minorVersion"])] = library;

        foreach (var library in this.libraries.Values)
            var lib = (Dictionary<string, object>)library;
            var types = new[] { "preloaded", "dynamic", "editor" };
            foreach (var type in types)
                if (lib.ContainsKey(type + "Dependencies"))
                    this.h5pF.SaveLibraryDependencies((int)lib["libraryId"], (List<object>)lib[type + "Dependencies"], type);

    public Dictionary<string, object> GetLibraries()
        return this.libraries;

    public Dictionary<string, object> GetLibrary(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion)
        var library = LibraryToString(name, majorVersion, minorVersion);
        return this.libraries.ContainsKey(library) ? (Dictionary<string, object>)this.libraries[library] : null;

    public string GetSemantics(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion)
        var library = LibraryToString(name, majorVersion, minorVersion);
        if (!this.libraries.ContainsKey(library))
            return null;
        return this.GetFileContents(Path.Combine(this.filesPath, (string)this.libraries[library]["path"], "semantics.json"));

    public string GetLanguage(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion, string language)
        var library = LibraryToString(name, majorVersion, minorVersion);
        if (!this.libraries.ContainsKey(library))
            return null;
        return this.GetFileContents(Path.Combine(this.filesPath, (string)this.libraries[library]["path"], "language", language + ".json"));

    public static string LibraryToString(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion)
        return $"{name} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}";

File: h5p-file-storage.interface.php

  1. Convert the PHP interface to a C# interface:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

namespace YourNamespace
    public interface IH5PFileStorage
        void SaveLibrary(Dictionary<string, object> library);
        void DeleteLibrary(Dictionary<string, object> library);
        void SaveContent(string source, Dictionary<string, object> content);
        void DeleteContent(Dictionary<string, object> content);
        void CloneContent(string id, int newId);
        string GetTmpPath();
        void ExportContent(int id, string target);
        void ExportLibrary(Dictionary<string, object> library, string target);
        void SaveExport(string source, string filename);
        void DeleteExport(string filename);
        bool HasExport(string filename);
        void CacheAssets(ref List<string> files, string key);
        List<string> GetCachedAssets(string key);
        void DeleteCachedAssets(List<string> keys);
        string GetContent(string filePath);
        void SaveFile(H5peditorFile file, int contentId);
        void CloneContentFile(string file, string fromId, int toId);
        object MoveContentDirectory(string source, string contentId = null);
        object GetContentFile(string file, int contentId);
        void RemoveContentFile(string file, int contentId);
        bool HasWriteAccess();
        bool HasPresave(string libraryName, string developmentPath = null);
        string GetUpgradeScript(string machineName, int majorVersion, int minorVersion);
        bool SaveFileFromZip(string path, string file, Stream stream);

    public class H5peditorFile
        // Define properties and methods for H5peditorFile

File: h5p-metadata.class.php

  1. Convert the PHP class to a C# class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.Json;

public static class H5PMetadata
    private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>> fields = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>>
        { "title", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 255 } } },
        { "a11yTitle", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 255 } } },
        { "authors", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "json" } } },
        { "changes", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "json" } } },
        { "source", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 255 } } },
        { "license", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 32 } } },
        { "licenseVersion", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 10 } } },
        { "licenseExtras", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 5000 } } },
        { "authorComments", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 5000 } } },
        { "yearFrom", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "int" } } },
        { "yearTo", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "int" } } },
        { "defaultLanguage", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 32 } } }

    public static string ToJSON(dynamic content)
        var json = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "title", content.title ?? null },
            { "a11yTitle", content.a11y_title ?? null },
            { "authors", content.authors ?? null },
            { "source", content.source ?? null },
            { "license", content.license ?? null },
            { "licenseVersion", content.license_version ?? null },
            { "licenseExtras", content.license_extras ?? null },
            { "yearFrom", content.year_from ?? null },
            { "yearTo", content.year_to ?? null },
            { "changes", content.changes ?? null },
            { "defaultLanguage", content.default_language ?? null },
            { "authorComments", content.author_comments ?? null }

        return JsonSerializer.Serialize(json);

    public static Dictionary<string, object> ToDBArray(dynamic metadata, bool includeTitle = true, bool includeMissing = true, List<string> types = null)
        var fieldsDict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        types ??= new List<string>();

        foreach (var field in fields)
            var key = field.Key;
            var config = field.Value;

            if (key == "title" && !includeTitle)

            var exists = metadata.GetType().GetProperty(key) != null;
            if (!includeMissing && !exists)

            var value = exists ? metadata.GetType().GetProperty(key).GetValue(metadata, null) : null;
            var dbFieldName = ToSnakeCase(key);

            switch (config["type"])
                case "text":
                    if (value != null && value.ToString().Length > (int)config["maxLength"])
                        value = value.ToString().Substring(0, (int)config["maxLength"]);

                case "int":
                    value = value != null ? Convert.ToInt32(value) : (int?)null;

                case "json":
                    value = value != null ? JsonSerializer.Serialize(value) : null;

            fieldsDict[dbFieldName] = value;

        return fieldsDict;

    public static string BoolifyAndEncodeSettings(Dictionary<string, object> metadataSettings)
        if (metadataSettings.ContainsKey("disable"))
            metadataSettings["disable"] = Convert.ToBoolean(metadataSettings["disable"]);
        if (metadataSettings.ContainsKey("disableExtraTitleField"))
            metadataSettings["disableExtraTitleField"] = Convert.ToBoolean(metadataSettings["disableExtraTitleField"]);

        return JsonSerializer.Serialize(metadataSettings);

    private static string ToSnakeCase(string str)
        return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(str, "(?<!^)([A-Z])", "_$1").ToLower();

File: h5p.classes.php

  1. Convert the PHP classes and interfaces to C#:

Example Conversion of H5PFrameworkInterface

PHP Interface: H5PFrameworkInterface

interface H5PFrameworkInterface {
  public function getPlatformInfo();
  public function fetchExternalData($url, $data = NULL, $blocking = TRUE, $stream = NULL, $fullData = FALSE, $headers = array(), $files = array(), $method = 'POST');
  public function setLibraryTutorialUrl($machineName, $tutorialUrl);
  public function setErrorMessage($message, $code = NULL);
  public function setInfoMessage($message);
  public function getMessages($type);
  public function t($message, $replacements = array());
  public function getLibraryFileUrl($libraryFolderName, $fileName);
  public function getUploadedH5pFolderPath();
  public function getUploadedH5pPath();
  public function loadAddons();
  public function getLibraryConfig($libraries = NULL);
  public function loadLibraries();
  public function getAdminUrl();
  public function getLibraryId($machineName, $majorVersion = NULL, $minorVersion = NULL);
  public function getWhitelist($isLibrary, $defaultContentWhitelist, $defaultLibraryWhitelist);
  public function isPatchedLibrary($library);
  public function isInDevMode();
  public function mayUpdateLibraries();
  public function saveLibraryData(&$libraryData

[Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution](

**Files used for this task:**

  <summary>Changes on LICENSE.txt</summary>

  To ensure compliance with the licensing terms when porting the PHP library to a C#/.NET library, you need to include the `LICENSE.txt` file in the .NET project. Here is a practical proposal to achieve this:

1. **Create a License File in the .NET Project:**
   - Copy the entire content of the `LICENSE.txt` file from the PHP project.
   - Create a new file named `LICENSE.txt` in the root directory of your .NET project.
   - Paste the copied content into this new file.

2. **Include the License in the Project Configuration:**
   - Ensure that the `LICENSE.txt` file is included in your project configuration so that it is distributed with your library. This can be done by modifying the `.csproj` file of your .NET project to include the license file.

Here is an example of how to modify the `.csproj` file:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <None Update="LICENSE.txt">

  1. Verify Compliance:
    • Ensure that the LICENSE.txt file is included in the final NuGet package if you are distributing your library via NuGet.
    • Verify that the license file is accessible and correctly displayed in the package metadata.

By following these steps, you will ensure that the licensing terms are properly included and adhered to in your new C#/.NET library.

Changes on README.txt To update the `README.txt` file for the new C#/.NET library, you should provide information about the new library, including usage instructions, dependencies, and any other relevant details. Here is a proposed update for the `README.txt` file: ### README.txt ``` This folder contains the general H5P library, now ported to C#/.NET. The files within this folder are not specific to any framework. Any interaction with an LMS, CMS, or other frameworks is done through interfaces. Platforms need to implement the IH5PFramework interface (in H5PClasses.cs) and also do the following: - Provide a form for uploading H5P packages. - Place the uploaded H5P packages in a temporary directory. - Implement necessary file operations using .NET libraries. See existing implementations for details. For instance, the original PHP H5P module located at can serve as a reference. We will make available documentation and tutorials for creating platform integrations in the future. The H5P .NET library is GPL licensed due to GPL code being used for purifying HTML provided by authors. ## Usage Instructions 1. **Installation**: - Add the H5P .NET library to your project using NuGet Package Manager. - Install any required dependencies. 2. **Configuration**: - Implement the IH5PFramework interface in your platform. - Configure the necessary settings for file storage and metadata handling. 3. **Uploading H5P Packages**: - Provide a form in your application for users to upload H5P packages. - Ensure the uploaded packages are placed in a temporary directory for processing. ## Dependencies - .NET Standard 2.0 or higher - Newtonsoft.Json (for JSON handling) - System.IO (for file operations) - System.Net.Http (for network operations) ## License Open Sans font is licensed under Apache license, Version 2.0 ``` ### Steps to Update the README.txt File: 1. **Open the README.txt file** in a text editor. 2. **Replace the existing content** with the updated content provided above. 3. **Save the file**. This updated README provides clear instructions on how to use the new C#/.NET library, including installation, configuration, and usage details. It also lists the necessary dependencies and maintains the licensing information.
Changes on h5p-event-base.class.php To convert the `h5p-event-base.class.php` PHP class to a C# class, we need to ensure that we accurately translate the class structure, methods, and properties while leveraging .NET libraries for event tracking and logging. Below is a step-by-step guide and the corresponding C# code: ### Step-by-Step Guide 1. **Class Definition**: Define the class as abstract in C#. 2. **Constants**: Translate PHP constants to C# constants. 3. **Static Variables**: Translate static variables to C# static fields. 4. **Instance Variables**: Translate protected instance variables to C# protected fields. 5. **Constructor**: Translate the constructor to initialize the fields and call methods for logging and statistics. 6. **Methods**: Translate methods, ensuring to use C# syntax and .NET libraries where appropriate. 7. **Abstract Methods**: Define abstract methods in C#. ### C# Code ```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace H5P { public abstract class H5PEventBase { // Constants public const int LOG_NONE = 0; public const int LOG_ALL = 1; public const int LOG_ACTIONS = 2; // Static options public static int LogLevel = LOG_ACTIONS; public static int LogTime = 2592000; // 30 Days // Protected variables protected int id; protected string type; protected string subType; protected int contentId; protected string contentTitle; protected string libraryName; protected string libraryVersion; protected DateTime time; // Constructor protected H5PEventBase(string type, string subType = null, int contentId = 0, string contentTitle = null, string libraryName = null, string libraryVersion = null) { this.type = type; this.subType = subType; this.contentId = contentId; this.contentTitle = contentTitle; this.libraryName = libraryName; this.libraryVersion = libraryVersion; this.time = DateTime.UtcNow; if (ValidLogLevel(type, subType)) { Save(); } if (ValidStats(type, subType)) { SaveStats(); } } // Determines if the event type should be saved/logged private static bool ValidLogLevel(string type, string subType) { switch (LogLevel) { default: case LOG_NONE: return false; case LOG_ALL: return true; // Log everything case LOG_ACTIONS: return IsAction(type, subType); // Log actions } } // Check if the event should be included in the statistics counter private static bool ValidStats(string type, string subType) { if ((type == "content" && subType == "shortcode insert") || // Count number of shortcode inserts (type == "library" && subType == null) || // Count number of times library is loaded in editor (type == "results" && subType == "content")) // Count number of times results page has been opened { return true; } else if (IsAction(type, subType)) // Count all actions { return true; } return false; } // Check if event type is an action private static bool IsAction(string type, string subType) { if ((type == "content" && new List { "create", "create upload", "update", "update upload", "upgrade", "delete" }.Contains(subType)) || (type == "library" && new List { "create", "update" }.Contains(subType))) { return true; // Log actions } return false; } // A helper which makes it easier for systems to save the data protected Dictionary GetDataArray() { return new Dictionary { { "created_at", time }, { "type", type }, { "sub_type", subType ?? string.Empty }, { "content_id", contentId }, { "content_title", contentTitle ?? string.Empty }, { "library_name", libraryName ?? string.Empty }, { "library_version", libraryVersion ?? string.Empty } }; } // A helper which makes it easier for systems to save the data protected List GetFormatArray() { return new List { "%d", "%s", "%s", "%d", "%s", "%s", "%s" }; } // Stores the event data in the database protected abstract void Save(); // Add current event data to statistics counter protected abstract void SaveStats(); } } ``` ### Explanation - **Class Definition**: The class is defined as `abstract` to match the PHP abstract class. - **Constants and Static Fields**: Constants and static fields are translated directly. - **Protected Fields**: Instance variables are translated to protected fields. - **Constructor**: The constructor initializes the fields and calls `Save` and `SaveStats` methods if conditions are met. - **Methods**: Methods are translated to C# syntax, using `List` and `Dictionary` for collections. - **Abstract Methods**: `Save` and `SaveStats` are defined as abstract methods to be implemented by derived classes. This C# class should now provide equivalent functionality to the original PHP class, utilizing .NET conventions and libraries.
Changes on h5p-development.class.php To convert the `H5PDevelopment` PHP class to a C# class, we need to ensure that all methods and properties are accurately translated. Below is a step-by-step guide to achieve this: ### Step-by-Step Conversion 1. **Class Definition and Constants**: - Define the class and constants in C#. 2. **Properties**: - Convert private properties to private fields in C#. 3. **Constructor**: - Translate the constructor to initialize the fields. 4. **Methods**: - Convert each method, ensuring to use equivalent .NET libraries for file operations and JSON handling. ### C# Translation Here is the translated C# class: ```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Newtonsoft.Json; public class H5PDevelopment { public const int MODE_NONE = 0; public const int MODE_CONTENT = 1; public const int MODE_LIBRARY = 2; private IH5PFramework h5pF; private Dictionary libraries; private string language; private string filesPath; public H5PDevelopment(IH5PFramework H5PFramework, string filesPath, string language, Dictionary libraries = null) { this.h5pF = H5PFramework; this.language = language; this.filesPath = filesPath; if (libraries != null) { this.libraries = libraries; } else { this.FindLibraries(Path.Combine(filesPath, "development")); } } private string GetFileContents(string file) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { return null; } try { return File.ReadAllText(file); } catch { return null; } } private void FindLibraries(string path) { this.libraries = new Dictionary(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { return; } var contents = Directory.GetDirectories(path); foreach (var content in contents) { var libraryPath = Path.Combine(path, content); var libraryJSON = this.GetFileContents(Path.Combine(libraryPath, "library.json")); if (libraryJSON == null) { continue; } var library = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(libraryJSON); if (library == null) { continue; } library["libraryId"] = this.h5pF.GetLibraryId((string)library["machineName"], (int)library["majorVersion"], (int)library["minorVersion"]); library["metadataSettings"] = library.ContainsKey("metadataSettings") ? H5PMetadata.BoolifyAndEncodeSettings((Dictionary)library["metadataSettings"]) : null; this.h5pF.SaveLibraryData(library, library["libraryId"] == null); library["metadataSettings"] = library.ContainsKey("metadataSettings") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((string)library["metadataSettings"]) : null; library["path"] = "development/" + content; this.libraries[LibraryToString((string)library["machineName"], (int)library["majorVersion"], (int)library["minorVersion"])] = library; } this.h5pF.LockDependencyStorage(); foreach (var library in this.libraries.Values) { var lib = (Dictionary)library; this.h5pF.DeleteLibraryDependencies((int)lib["libraryId"]); var types = new[] { "preloaded", "dynamic", "editor" }; foreach (var type in types) { if (lib.ContainsKey(type + "Dependencies")) { this.h5pF.SaveLibraryDependencies((int)lib["libraryId"], (List)lib[type + "Dependencies"], type); } } } this.h5pF.UnlockDependencyStorage(); } public Dictionary GetLibraries() { return this.libraries; } public Dictionary GetLibrary(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion) { var library = LibraryToString(name, majorVersion, minorVersion); return this.libraries.ContainsKey(library) ? (Dictionary)this.libraries[library] : null; } public string GetSemantics(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion) { var library = LibraryToString(name, majorVersion, minorVersion); if (!this.libraries.ContainsKey(library)) { return null; } return this.GetFileContents(Path.Combine(this.filesPath, (string)this.libraries[library]["path"], "semantics.json")); } public string GetLanguage(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion, string language) { var library = LibraryToString(name, majorVersion, minorVersion); if (!this.libraries.ContainsKey(library)) { return null; } return this.GetFileContents(Path.Combine(this.filesPath, (string)this.libraries[library]["path"], "language", language + ".json")); } public static string LibraryToString(string name, int majorVersion, int minorVersion) { return $"{name} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}"; } } ``` ### Key Points 1. **File Operations**: - Use `System.IO` for file operations (`File.Exists`, `File.ReadAllText`, `Directory.GetDirectories`). 2. **JSON Handling**: - Use `Newtonsoft.Json` for JSON operations (`JsonConvert.DeserializeObject`). 3. **Interfaces and Dependencies**: - Ensure `IH5PFramework` and `H5PMetadata` are defined in your C# project, as they are used in the class. 4. **Error Handling**: - Basic error handling is included for file operations. This translation ensures that the functionality of the original PHP class is preserved in the C# class.
Changes on h5p-file-storage.interface.php To convert the PHP interface `H5PFileStorage` to a C# interface, we need to ensure that all methods are accurately defined in C#. Here is a step-by-step guide to achieve this: 1. **Define the Interface in C#:** - Create a new C# interface named `IH5PFileStorage`. - Translate each method from the PHP interface to the corresponding C# method signature. - Ensure that the method parameters and return types are correctly mapped to their C# equivalents. 2. **Handle PHP Specifics:** - PHP arrays can be translated to `Dictionary` or `List` in C# depending on the use case. - PHP's `boolean` type is `bool` in C#. - PHP's `resource` type can be translated to `Stream` in C#. Here is the translated C# interface: ```csharp using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace YourNamespace { /// /// Interface needed to handle storage and export of H5P Content. /// public interface IH5PFileStorage { /// /// Store the library folder. /// /// Library properties void SaveLibrary(Dictionary library); /// /// Delete library folder. /// /// Library properties void DeleteLibrary(Dictionary library); /// /// Store the content folder. /// /// Path on file system to content directory. /// Content properties void SaveContent(string source, Dictionary content); /// /// Remove content folder. /// /// Content properties void DeleteContent(Dictionary content); /// /// Creates a stored copy of the content folder. /// /// Identifier of content to clone. /// The cloned content's identifier void CloneContent(string id, int newId); /// /// Get path to a new unique tmp folder. /// /// Path string GetTmpPath(); /// /// Fetch content folder and save in target directory. /// /// Content identifier /// Where the content folder will be saved void ExportContent(int id, string target); /// /// Fetch library folder and save in target directory. /// /// Library properties /// Where the library folder will be saved void ExportLibrary(Dictionary library, string target); /// /// Save export in file system. /// /// Path on file system to temporary export file. /// Name of export file. void SaveExport(string source, string filename); /// /// Removes given export file. /// /// Filename void DeleteExport(string filename); /// /// Check if the given export file exists. /// /// Filename /// True if the file exists, otherwise false bool HasExport(string filename); /// /// Will concatenate all JavaScripts and Stylesheets into two files in order to improve page performance. /// /// A set of all the assets required for content to display /// Hashed key for cached asset void CacheAssets(ref List files, string key); /// /// Will check if there are cache assets available for content. /// /// Hashed key for cached asset /// List of cached assets List GetCachedAssets(string key); /// /// Remove the aggregated cache files. /// /// The hash keys of removed files void DeleteCachedAssets(List keys); /// /// Read file content of given file and then return it. /// /// File path /// File contents string GetContent(string filePath); /// /// Save files uploaded through the editor. /// The files must be marked as temporary until the content form is saved. /// /// File object /// Content ID void SaveFile(H5peditorFile file, int contentId); /// /// Copy a file from another content or editor tmp dir. /// Used when copy pasting content in H5P. /// /// File path + name /// Content ID or 'editor' string /// Target Content ID void CloneContentFile(string file, string fromId, int toId); /// /// Copy a content from one directory to another. Defaults to cloning content from the current temporary upload folder to the editor path. /// /// Path to source directory /// Id of content /// Object containing h5p json and content json data object MoveContentDirectory(string source, string contentId = null); /// /// Checks to see if content has the given file. /// Used when saving content. /// /// File path + name /// Content ID /// File ID or NULL if not found object GetContentFile(string file, int contentId); /// /// Remove content files that are no longer used. /// Used when saving content. /// /// File path + name /// Content ID void RemoveContentFile(string file, int contentId); /// /// Check if server setup has write permission to the required folders. /// /// True if server has the proper write access bool HasWriteAccess(); /// /// Check if the library has a presave.js in the root folder. /// /// Library name /// Development path /// True if presave.js exists, otherwise false bool HasPresave(string libraryName, string developmentPath = null); /// /// Check if upgrades script exist for library. /// /// Machine name /// Major version /// Minor version /// Relative path string GetUpgradeScript(string machineName, int majorVersion, int minorVersion); /// /// Store the given stream into the given file. /// /// Path /// File /// Stream /// True if the file was saved successfully, otherwise false bool SaveFileFromZip(string path, string file, Stream stream); } // Assuming H5peditorFile is a class you have defined elsewhere in your project public class H5peditorFile { // Define properties and methods for H5peditorFile } } ``` ### Notes: - The `H5peditorFile` class is assumed to be defined elsewhere in your project. You will need to implement this class according to your requirements. - The `object` return type for `MoveContentDirectory` and `GetContentFile` methods should be replaced with a more specific type if known. - The `ref` keyword is used for the `CacheAssets` method to allow modification of the `files` list within the method. This C# interface should now accurately reflect the functionality defined in the original PHP interface.
Changes on h5p-metadata.class.php To convert the `h5p-metadata.class.php` file to a C# class, we need to translate the PHP class and its methods into equivalent C# constructs. Below is a step-by-step guide and the corresponding C# code: ### Step-by-Step Guide 1. **Class Definition**: Convert the PHP abstract class to a C# static class. 2. **Fields**: Convert the PHP associative array `$fields` to a C# dictionary. 3. **Methods**: Translate each method from PHP to C#: - `toJSON`: Convert the PHP JSON encoding logic to C#. - `toDBArray`: Convert the PHP logic for creating an associative array to a C# dictionary. - `boolifyAndEncodeSettings`: Convert the PHP logic for boolean conversion and JSON encoding to C#. ### C# Code ```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.Json; public static class H5PMetadata { private static readonly Dictionary> fields = new Dictionary> { { "title", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 255 } } }, { "a11yTitle", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 255 } } }, { "authors", new Dictionary { { "type", "json" } } }, { "changes", new Dictionary { { "type", "json" } } }, { "source", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 255 } } }, { "license", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 32 } } }, { "licenseVersion", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 10 } } }, { "licenseExtras", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 5000 } } }, { "authorComments", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 5000 } } }, { "yearFrom", new Dictionary { { "type", "int" } } }, { "yearTo", new Dictionary { { "type", "int" } } }, { "defaultLanguage", new Dictionary { { "type", "text" }, { "maxLength", 32 } } } }; public static string ToJSON(dynamic content) { var json = new Dictionary { { "title", content.title ?? null }, { "a11yTitle", content.a11y_title ?? null }, { "authors", content.authors ?? null }, { "source", content.source ?? null }, { "license", content.license ?? null }, { "licenseVersion", content.license_version ?? null }, { "licenseExtras", content.license_extras ?? null }, { "yearFrom", content.year_from ?? null }, { "yearTo", content.year_to ?? null }, { "changes", content.changes ?? null }, { "defaultLanguage", content.default_language ?? null }, { "authorComments", content.author_comments ?? null } }; return JsonSerializer.Serialize(json); } public static Dictionary ToDBArray(dynamic metadata, bool includeTitle = true, bool includeMissing = true, List types = null) { var fieldsDict = new Dictionary(); types ??= new List(); foreach (var field in fields) { var key = field.Key; var config = field.Value; if (key == "title" && !includeTitle) { continue; } var exists = metadata.GetType().GetProperty(key) != null; if (!includeMissing && !exists) { continue; } var value = exists ? metadata.GetType().GetProperty(key).GetValue(metadata, null) : null; var dbFieldName = ToSnakeCase(key); switch (config["type"]) { case "text": if (value != null && value.ToString().Length > (int)config["maxLength"]) { value = value.ToString().Substring(0, (int)config["maxLength"]); } types.Add("%s"); break; case "int": value = value != null ? Convert.ToInt32(value) : (int?)null; types.Add("%d"); break; case "json": value = value != null ? JsonSerializer.Serialize(value) : null; types.Add("%s"); break; } fieldsDict[dbFieldName] = value; } return fieldsDict; } public static string BoolifyAndEncodeSettings(Dictionary metadataSettings) { if (metadataSettings.ContainsKey("disable")) { metadataSettings["disable"] = Convert.ToBoolean(metadataSettings["disable"]); } if (metadataSettings.ContainsKey("disableExtraTitleField")) { metadataSettings["disableExtraTitleField"] = Convert.ToBoolean(metadataSettings["disableExtraTitleField"]); } return JsonSerializer.Serialize(metadataSettings); } private static string ToSnakeCase(string str) { return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(str, "(?>` in C#. 3. **Methods**: - `ToJSON`: Uses `JsonSerializer` to convert the dictionary to a JSON string. - `ToDBArray`: Converts the PHP logic to create a dictionary with appropriate types and values. - `BoolifyAndEncodeSettings`: Converts integer values to boolean and then serializes the dictionary to a JSON string. - `ToSnakeCase`: A helper method to convert camelCase to snake_case. This C# class should provide equivalent functionality to the original PHP class, using .NET libraries for JSON handling and type conversion.
Changes on h5p.classes.php To convert the PHP classes within the `h5p.classes.php` file to C# classes, we need to follow a systematic approach to ensure that all functionality is preserved. Here is a step-by-step plan to achieve this: ### Step-by-Step Plan 1. **Identify Classes and Interfaces**: - Identify all classes and interfaces in the PHP file. - For each class and interface, note down its methods and properties. 2. **Create Equivalent C# Classes and Interfaces**: - For each PHP class, create a corresponding C# class. - For each PHP interface, create a corresponding C# interface. 3. **Translate Methods and Properties**: - Translate each method and property from PHP to C#. - Ensure that the method signatures and return types are correctly converted. - Handle any PHP-specific constructs and convert them to their C# equivalents. 4. **Handle PHP Specific Constructs**: - Convert PHP arrays to C# collections (e.g., `List`, `Dictionary`). - Convert PHP associative arrays to C# dictionaries. - Handle PHP-specific functions and replace them with equivalent C# methods. 5. **Implement Equivalent Functionality**: - Ensure that the logic within each method is correctly translated. - Use .NET libraries for functionalities like file operations, HTTP requests, and JSON handling. 6. **Testing and Validation**: - After conversion, thoroughly test each class and method to ensure they work as expected. - Validate that the C# classes maintain the same behavior as the original PHP classes. ### Example Conversion Let's start with a simple example by converting the `H5PFrameworkInterface` interface from PHP to C#. #### PHP Interface: `H5PFrameworkInterface` ```php interface H5PFrameworkInterface { public function getPlatformInfo(); public function fetchExternalData($url, $data = NULL, $blocking = TRUE, $stream = NULL, $fullData = FALSE, $headers = array(), $files = array(), $method = 'POST'); public function setLibraryTutorialUrl($machineName, $tutorialUrl); public function setErrorMessage($message, $code = NULL); public function setInfoMessage($message); public function getMessages($type); public function t($message, $replacements = array()); public function getLibraryFileUrl($libraryFolderName, $fileName); public function getUploadedH5pFolderPath(); public function getUploadedH5pPath(); public function loadAddons(); public function getLibraryConfig($libraries = NULL); public function loadLibraries(); public function getAdminUrl(); public function getLibraryId($machineName, $majorVersion = NULL, $minorVersion = NULL); public function getWhitelist($isLibrary, $defaultContentWhitelist, $defaultLibraryWhitelist); public function isPatchedLibrary($library); public function isInDevMode(); public function mayUpdateLibraries(); public function saveLibraryData(&$libraryData, $new = TRUE); public function insertContent($content, $contentMainId = NULL); public function updateContent($content, $contentMainId = NULL); public function resetContentUserData($contentId); public function saveLibraryDependencies($libraryId, $dependencies, $dependency_type); public function copyLibraryUsage($contentId, $copyFromId, $contentMainId = NULL); public function deleteContentData($contentId); public function deleteLibraryUsage($contentId); public function saveLibraryUsage($contentId, $librariesInUse); public function getLibraryUsage($libraryId, $skipContent = FALSE); public function loadLibrary($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); public function loadLibrarySemantics($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); public function alterLibrarySemantics(&$semantics, $machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); public function deleteLibraryDependencies($libraryId); public function lockDependencyStorage(); public function unlockDependencyStorage(); public function deleteLibrary($library); public function loadContent($id); public function loadContentDependencies($id, $type = NULL); public function getOption($name, $default = NULL); public function setOption($name, $value); public function updateContentFields($id, $fields); public function clearFilteredParameters($library_ids); public function getNumNotFiltered(); public function getNumContent($libraryId, $skip = NULL); public function isContentSlugAvailable($slug); public function getLibraryStats($type); public function getNumAuthors(); public function saveCachedAssets($key, $libraries); public function deleteCachedAssets($library_id); public function getLibraryContentCount(); public function afterExportCreated($content, $filename); public function hasPermission($permission, $id = NULL); public function replaceContentTypeCache($contentTypeCache); public function libraryHasUpgrade($library); public function replaceContentHubMetadataCache($metadata, $lang); public function getContentHubMetadataCache($lang = 'en'); public function getContentHubMetadataChecked($lang = 'en'); public function setContentHubMetadataChecked($time, $lang = 'en'); } ``` #### C# Interface: `IH5PFramework` ```csharp using System.Collections.Generic; public interface IH5PFramework { Dictionary GetPlatformInfo(); object FetchExternalData(string url, object data = null, bool blocking = true, string stream = null, bool fullData = false, Dictionary headers = null, Dictionary files = null, string method = "POST"); void SetLibraryTutorialUrl(string machineName, string tutorialUrl); void SetErrorMessage(string message, string code = null); void SetInfoMessage(string message); List GetMessages(string type); string T(string message, Dictionary replacements = null); string GetLibraryFileUrl(string libraryFolderName, string fileName); string GetUploadedH5pFolderPath(); string GetUploadedH5pPath(); List LoadAddons(); Dictionary GetLibraryConfig(List libraries = null); Dictionary> LoadLibraries(); string GetAdminUrl(); int GetLibraryId(string machineName, int? majorVersion = null, int? minorVersion = null); string GetWhitelist(bool isLibrary, string defaultContentWhitelist, string defaultLibraryWhitelist); bool IsPatchedLibrary(object library); bool IsInDevMode(); bool MayUpdateLibraries(); void SaveLibraryData(ref Dictionary libraryData, bool isNew = true); void InsertContent(Dictionary content, int? contentMainId = null); void UpdateContent(Dictionary content, int? contentMainId = null); void ResetContentUserData(int contentId); void SaveLibraryDependencies(int libraryId, List> dependencies, string dependencyType); void CopyLibraryUsage(int contentId, int copyFromId, int? contentMainId = null); void DeleteContentData(int contentId); void DeleteLibraryUsage(int contentId); void SaveLibraryUsage(int contentId, List> librariesInUse); Dictionary GetLibraryUsage(int libraryId, bool skipContent = false); Dictionary LoadLibrary(string machineName, int majorVersion, int minorVersion); string LoadLibrarySemantics(string machineName, int majorVersion, int minorVersion); void AlterLibrarySemantics(ref Dictionary semantics, string machineName, int majorVersion, int minorVersion); void DeleteLibraryDependencies(int libraryId); void LockDependencyStorage(); void UnlockDependencyStorage(); void DeleteLibrary(Dictionary library); Dictionary LoadContent(int id); List> LoadContentDependencies(int id, string type = null); object GetOption(string name, object defaultValue = null); void SetOption(string name, object value); void UpdateContentFields(int id, Dictionary fields); void ClearFilteredParameters(List libraryIds); int GetNumNotFiltered(); int GetNumContent(int libraryId, List skip = null); bool IsContentSlugAvailable(string slug); Dictionary GetLibraryStats(string type); int GetNumAuthors(); void SaveCachedAssets(string key, List> libraries); List DeleteCachedAssets(int libraryId); int GetLibraryContentCount(); void AfterExportCreated(Dictionary content, string filename); bool HasPermission(int permission, int? id = null); void ReplaceContentTypeCache(object contentTypeCache); bool LibraryHasUpgrade(Dictionary library); void ReplaceContentHubMetadataCache(object metadata, string lang); object GetContentHubMetadataCache(string lang = "en"); string GetContentHubMetadataChecked(string lang = "en"); bool SetContentHubMetadataChecked(int? time, string lang = "en"); } ``` ### Next Steps 1. **Repeat the Process**: - Repeat the above process for each class in the `h5p.classes.php` file. - Ensure that all methods and properties are accurately translated. 2. **Implement and Test**: - Implement the translated C# classes in a .NET project. - Write unit tests to ensure that each method works as expected. 3. **Refactor and Optimize**: - Refactor the code to follow C# best practices. - Optimize the code for performance and maintainability. By following this plan, you can systematically convert the PHP classes to C# while ensuring that all functionality is preserved.
Changes on h5p-default-storage.class.php To convert the `H5PDefaultStorage` PHP class to a C# class, we need to follow these steps: 1. **Class Definition**: Define the class and its constructor in C#. 2. **Properties**: Convert the private properties. 3. **Methods**: Convert each method, ensuring to use equivalent .NET file operations. 4. **Helper Methods**: Convert any helper methods used within the class. Here's a step-by-step conversion of the `H5PDefaultStorage` class from PHP to C#: ### Step 1: Class Definition and Properties ```csharp using System; using System.IO; public class H5PDefaultStorage : IH5PFileStorage { private string path; private string altEditorPath; public H5PDefaultStorage(string path, string altEditorPath = null) { this.path = path; this.altEditorPath = altEditorPath; } ``` ### Step 2: Methods Conversion #### `saveLibrary` Method ```csharp public void SaveLibrary(Dictionary library) { string dest = Path.Combine(this.path, "libraries", H5PCore.LibraryToFolderName(library)); // Make sure destination dir doesn't exist H5PCore.DeleteFileTree(dest); // Move library folder CopyFileTree((string)library["uploadDirectory"], dest); } ``` #### `deleteLibrary` Method ```csharp public void DeleteLibrary(Dictionary library) { // TODO: Implement this method } ``` #### `saveContent` Method ```csharp public void SaveContent(string source, Dictionary content) { string dest = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", content["id"].ToString()); // Remove any old content H5PCore.DeleteFileTree(dest); CopyFileTree(source, dest); } ``` #### `deleteContent` Method ```csharp public void DeleteContent(Dictionary content) { H5PCore.DeleteFileTree(Path.Combine(this.path, "content", content["id"].ToString())); } ``` #### `cloneContent` Method ```csharp public void CloneContent(string id, int newId) { string path = Path.Combine(this.path, "content"); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(path, id))) { CopyFileTree(Path.Combine(path, id), Path.Combine(path, newId.ToString())); } } ``` #### `getTmpPath` Method ```csharp public string GetTmpPath() { string temp = Path.Combine(this.path, "temp"); DirReady(temp); return Path.Combine(temp, "h5p-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } ``` #### `exportContent` Method ```csharp public void ExportContent(int id, string target) { string source = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", id.ToString()); if (Directory.Exists(source)) { // Copy content folder if it exists CopyFileTree(source, target); } else { // No content folder, create empty dir for content.json DirReady(target); } } ``` #### `exportLibrary` Method ```csharp public void ExportLibrary(Dictionary library, string target, string developmentPath = null) { string srcFolder = H5PCore.LibraryToFolderName(library); string srcPath = developmentPath ?? Path.Combine("libraries", srcFolder); // Library folders inside the H5P zip file shall not contain patch version in the folder name library["patchVersionInFolderName"] = false; string destinationFolder = H5PCore.LibraryToFolderName(library); CopyFileTree(Path.Combine(this.path, srcPath), Path.Combine(target, destinationFolder)); } ``` #### `saveExport` Method ```csharp public void SaveExport(string source, string filename) { DeleteExport(filename); if (!DirReady(Path.Combine(this.path, "exports"))) { throw new Exception("Unable to create directory for H5P export file."); } if (!File.Exists(source) || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.path, "exports", filename))) { throw new Exception("Unable to save H5P export file."); } File.Copy(source, Path.Combine(this.path, "exports", filename)); } ``` #### `deleteExport` Method ```csharp public void DeleteExport(string filename) { string target = Path.Combine(this.path, "exports", filename); if (File.Exists(target)) { File.Delete(target); } } ``` #### `hasExport` Method ```csharp public bool HasExport(string filename) { string target = Path.Combine(this.path, "exports", filename); return File.Exists(target); } ``` #### `cacheAssets` Method ```csharp public void CacheAssets(ref Dictionary> files, string key) { foreach (var type in files.Keys) { if (files[type].Count == 0) { continue; // Skip no assets } string content = ""; foreach (var asset in files[type]) { // Get content from asset file string assetContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(this.path, asset.Path)); string cssRelPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(asset.Path); // Get file content and concatenate if (type == "scripts") { content += assetContent + ";\n"; } else { // Rewrite relative URLs used inside stylesheets content += Regex.Replace(assetContent, @"url\(['""]?([^""')]+)['""]?\)", match => { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Groups[1].Value, @"^(data:|([a-z0-9]+:)?\/)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { return match.Value; // Not relative, skip } return $"url(\"../{cssRelPath}/{match.Groups[1].Value}\")"; }) + "\n"; } } DirReady(Path.Combine(this.path, "cachedassets")); string ext = (type == "scripts" ? "js" : "css"); string outputfile = Path.Combine("cachedassets", $"{key}.{ext}"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(this.path, outputfile), content); files[type] = new List { new Asset { Path = outputfile, Version = "" } }; } } ``` #### `getCachedAssets` Method ```csharp public Dictionary> GetCachedAssets(string key) { var files = new Dictionary>(); string js = Path.Combine("cachedassets", $"{key}.js"); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.path, js))) { files["scripts"] = new List { new Asset { Path = js, Version = "" } }; } string css = Path.Combine("cachedassets", $"{key}.css"); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.path, css))) { files["styles"] = new List { new Asset { Path = css, Version = "" } }; } return files.Count == 0 ? null : files; } ``` #### `deleteCachedAssets` Method ```csharp public void DeleteCachedAssets(List keys) { foreach (var hash in keys) { foreach (var ext in new[] { "js", "css" }) { string path = Path.Combine(this.path, "cachedassets", $"{hash}.{ext}"); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } } } } ``` #### `getContent` Method ```csharp public string GetContent(string filePath) { return File.ReadAllText(filePath); } ``` #### `saveFile` Method ```csharp public H5PEditorFile SaveFile(H5PEditorFile file, int contentId) { // Prepare directory string path; if (contentId == 0) { // Should be in editor tmp folder path = GetEditorPath(); } else { // Should be in content folder path = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", contentId.ToString()); } path = Path.Combine(path, file.Type + "s"); DirReady(path); // Add filename to path path = Path.Combine(path, file.Name); File.Copy(file.TempPath, path); return file; } ``` #### `cloneContentFile` Method ```csharp public void CloneContentFile(string file, string fromId, int toId) { // Determine source path string sourcePath = fromId == "editor" ? GetEditorPath() : Path.Combine(this.path, "content", fromId); sourcePath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, file); // Determine target path string filename = Path.GetFileName(file); string fileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); string targetPath = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", toId.ToString(), fileDir); // Make sure it's ready DirReady(targetPath); targetPath = Path.Combine(targetPath, filename); // Check to see if source exist and if target doesn't if (!File.Exists(sourcePath) || File.Exists(targetPath)) { return; // Nothing to copy from or target already exists } File.Copy(sourcePath, targetPath); } ``` #### `moveContentDirectory` Method ```csharp public void MoveContentDirectory(string source, int? contentId = null) { if (source == null) { return; } string target; if (contentId == null || contentId == 0) { target = GetEditorPath(); } else { // Use content folder target = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", contentId.ToString()); } string contentSource = Path.Combine(source, "content"); var contentFiles = Directory.GetFiles(contentSource).Where(f => Path.GetFileName(f) != "content.json"); foreach (var file in contentFiles) { if (Directory.Exists(file)) { CopyFileTree(file, Path.Combine(target, Path.GetFileName(file))); } else { File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(target, Path.GetFileName(file))); } } } ``` #### `getContentFile` Method ```csharp public string GetContentFile(string file, int contentId) { string path = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", contentId.ToString(), file); return File.Exists(path) ? path : null; } ``` #### `removeContentFile` Method ```csharp public void RemoveContentFile(string file, int contentId) { string path = Path.Combine(this.path, "content", contentId.ToString(), file); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); // Clean up any empty parent directories to avoid cluttering the file system var parts = path.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).ToList(); while (parts.Count > 0) { parts.RemoveAt(parts.Count - 1); string dir = Path.Combine(parts.ToArray()); if (Directory.Exists(dir) && Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(dir).Length == 0) { Directory.Delete(dir); // Remove empty parent } else { return; // Not empty } } } } ``` #### `hasWriteAccess` Method ```csharp public bool HasWriteAccess() { return DirReady(this.path); } ``` #### `hasPresave` Method ```csharp public bool HasPresave(string libraryFolder, string developmentPath = null) { string path = developmentPath ?? Path.Combine("libraries", libraryFolder); string filePath = Path.Combine(this.path, path, "presave.js"); return File.Exists(filePath); } ``` #### `getUpgradeScript` Method ```csharp public string GetUpgradeScript(string machineName, int majorVersion, int minorVersion) { string upgrades = Path.Combine("libraries", $"{machineName}-{majorVersion}.{minorVersion}", "upgrades.js"); return File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.path, upgrades)) ? upgrades : null; } ``` #### `saveFileFromZip` Method ```csharp public bool SaveFileFromZip(string path, string file, Stream stream) { string filePath = Path.Combine(path, file); // Make sure the directory exists first string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); DirReady(dir); // Store in local storage folder using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { stream.CopyTo(fileStream); } return true; } ``` ### Step 3: Helper Methods #### `copyFileTree` Method ```csharp private static void CopyFileTree(string source, string destination) { if (!DirReady(destination)) { throw new Exception("unabletocopy"); } var ignoredFiles = GetIgnoredFiles(Path.Combine(source, ".h5pignore")); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(source)) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); if (!ignoredFiles.Contains(fileName) && fileName != ".git" && fileName != ".gitignore") { File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(destination, fileName)); } } foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(source)) { string dirName = Path.GetFileName(dir); if (!ignoredFiles.Contains(dirName) && dirName != ".git" && dirName != ".gitignore") { CopyFileTree(dir, Path.Combine(destination, dirName)); } } } ``` #### `getIgnoredFiles` Method ```csharp private static List GetIgnoredFiles(string file) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { return new List(); } string contents = File.ReadAllText(file); return contents.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); } ``` #### `dirReady` Method ```csharp private static bool DirReady(string path) { if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!DirReady(parent)) { return false; } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { throw new Exception($"Path is not a directory {path}"); } if (!HasWritePermissionOnDir(path)) { throw new Exception($"Unable to write to {path} – check directory permissions –"); } return true; } private static bool HasWritePermissionOnDir(string path) { try { using (FileStream fs = File.Create( Path.Combine(path, Path.GetRandomFileName()), 1, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)) { } return true; } catch { return false; } } ``` #### `getEditorPath` Method ```csharp private string GetEditorPath() { return this.altEditorPath ?? Path.Combine(this.path, "editor"); } ``` ### Final Notes - Ensure that all necessary namespaces are included. - The `IH5PFileStorage` interface should be defined similarly to the PHP interface. - The `H5PCore` class and `H5PEditorFile` class should be implemented in C# as well. - Handle exceptions and edge cases as needed. This conversion covers the main functionality of the `H5PDefaultStorage` class, ensuring that file operations are handled using .NET libraries.
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