saml / sphinx4-forced-alignment

sphinx4 forced alignment demo
5 stars 4 forks source link


Modification of from sphinx4 so that audio and transcription text can be specified on command line.


ant -Dsphinx4=/path/to/sphinx4
java -Dconfig=config/aligner.xml -Daudio=/path/to/audio.wav -Dtext=/path/to/transcription.txt -jar ForcedAlignment.jar

Install sphinx4:

tested with sphinx4-1.0beta5

Download it and unzip to /some/path. Let's call it $SPHINX4_HOME.

Build using Ant:

ant -Dsphinx4=$SPHINX4_HOME

it'll create ForcedAlignment.jar

Run with audio and text

java -Dconfig=config/aligner.xml -Daudio=youraudio.wav -Dtext=yourtranscription.txt -jar ForcedAlignment.jar

output will be "word(start-time,end-time)". For example, if transcription file contained "hello, world!", output would be:

hello(0.1,0.5) world(0.6,0.9)