samuelet / indexmenu

A dokuwiki plugin to show a customizable and sortable index for a namespace.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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theming `#themename` (how to reuse existing themes..? eventually how to replace css files directly if theme changes) #245

Closed Klap-in closed 8 months ago

Klap-in commented 1 year ago

Some notes:

There is not yet a simple copy-paste example for creating a skin. All provided skins seems more different then I expected on first sight. We have now 32 themes for the js version of Indexmenu, if we like to offer something similar, a simple base example should be available, which let people create their own by mainly creating the images. Probably also a svg example is desired, to encourage higher quality? Bootstrap/svg/awesome needs also extra javascript settings/extra fancytree extension?

skin-bootstrap needs bootstrap styles. This skin works only at the moment with a template that includes these e.g. template:bootstrap3, not sure how about newer bootstrap versions as used by plugin:combo or template:mikio. Probably similar for skin based on awesome/material framework?

Klap-in commented 1 year ago

My idea was now to offer some skins for indexmenu, as provided by Fancytree. One approach could be to include all these skins with the all.css of the plugin. With the current skins that is already 10 to 20kB times 10 skins = 0.1 to 0.2MB of extra styles, unfortunately with a lot of (almost) duplication. The dTree based index had 32 skins, if someone makes an effort to convert some of these, it will become even more... That is already a bit compared to ~160kB size for my current setup (for 300B transferred).

Is it worth to split these sheets off and only load if they are used? In my first attempt for that I already observed the issue that I do not know which extra pages are shown next to the main article. For the main article I can request the used themes, stored as metadata, for the global $ID. The sidebar I could maybe retrieve by copying the logic from the 'dokuwiki' template for determining a sidebar, but that is one template. Of course other pages can be included in different manners around the main page (or with include plugin in that page). So it is difficult to know for which pages I should check the metadata for the used themes. Is there a relevant alternative?

Klap-in commented 1 year ago

Not working for importing all skins in one go, because @import can only import once in lesserphp. It does not support @import (multiple) "foo.less";

.importSkin(@skin-foldername) {
    &.@{skin-foldername} {
        @import "scripts/fancytree/@{skin-foldername}/ui.fancytree.less";
        //overwrite default variable: @fancy-image-prefix: "./skin-win8/"; the current less compressor does not update paths
        @fancy-image-prefix: "/lib/plugins/indexmenu/scripts/fancytree/@{skin-foldername}/";

//wrap everything by plugin class to ensure its dominates default dokuwiki paddings etc.
.indexmenu_js2 {
    //workaround needed for LESS processor of DokuWiki
    .setBgImageUrl(@url) when not (@fancy-use-sprites) {}
    .useSprite(@x, @y) when not(@fancy-use-sprites) {}


 //skin files are loaded separatedly, and should all prefixed with<name>

I guess some handwork is needed... suggestions welcome of course.

Klap-in commented 11 months ago

@splitbrain The themes for Fancytree come with a lot of similar, but not same, style sheets. Do you have suggestions how to approach loading the css? just include all of them in screen.less? or do you think it is worth to use manners to load them more on demand? (so far via TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT was not working, because I have not yet a way to let sidebars, included pages and other rendered pages around the main page (for which I can easily, with global $ID, request the theme from metadata) tell they have a theme in use.

Klap-in commented 11 months ago

Workaround now by replacing @import "../skin-common.less"; in the skin's less-file by @import "skin-common.less";, and placing a copy of that file in every skin folder.

Klap-in commented 8 months ago

Skins work. There are still improvements possible with the svg skins, but that is another issue.