samyk / slipstream

NAT Slipstreaming allows an attacker to remotely access any TCP/UDP services bound to a victim machine, bypassing the victim’s NAT/firewall, just by anyone on the victim's network visiting a website
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Is it possible to run this in Docker Container? #4

Open Seji64 opened 4 years ago

Seji64 commented 4 years ago


saw your project in trending and tried it to run in a docker container _(already modifed the urls, started the and the script). But i get stuck here:


The page keeps reloading infinitely. for testing i passed my local IP via GET Param localip.

Is ist even possible to run it in a docker container?

robobenklein commented 4 years ago

Try running the container with network_mode: host?

bananabr commented 3 years ago

hey @Seji64, did you ever succeeded in doing that? Is the container image available somewhere?
