sandstorm-io / sandstorm

Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.
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Error when clicking on Mailpile cog #69

Closed lofidevops closed 10 years ago

lofidevops commented 10 years ago

I got the following error whenever I click "New Mailpile Mailbox" (occurs 129k into installation process).

Error: remote exception: remote exception: expected buffer.size() > 0; Sandboxed server returned no data.
C++ location:(remote):??
type: permanent localBug

If I then click the Sandstorm logo, then select the new "Untitled Mailpile Mailbox" it loads correctly (as far as I can tell).

lofidevops commented 10 years ago

Actually it still happens (occasionally) when I subsequently load the Mailpile grain.

lofidevops commented 10 years ago

This is probably the cause of the following error that occurs when I click on the Mailpile cog...

Template error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mailpile/", line 418, in render_web
    return template.render(alldata)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jinja2/", line 969, in render
    return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jinja2/", line 742, in handle_exception
    reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
  File "/static/default/html/settings/index.html", line 30, in top-level template code
    <option {% if route.port == 465 %}selected {% endif %}value="465">465 (TLS)</option>
  File "/static/default/html/layouts/full.html", line 33, in top-level template code
    {% block content %}{{results}}{% endblock %}
  File "/static/default/html/settings/index.html", line 40, in block "content"
    This grain's email address is {{ result.profiles[1].email }}. If you want to continue using your current email, then you should <a href="">set up forwarding</a>. Emails sent from this grain will appear to be from {{ result.profiles[0].email }} by default.
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jinja2/", line 397, in getattr
    return getattr(obj, attribute)
UndefinedError: mailpile.config.Checker object has no element 1

jparyani commented 10 years ago

This is actually two separate issues.

lofidevops commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately the upload failed with "Failed to install app!"

Relevant-looking logs... can you confirm what the hashsum of the SPK should be? Thanks!

Unpacking app: /var/sandstorm/downloads/907006c62643ea8f5f56d767b4abc6b3.verified
xz: (stdin): Unexpected end of input
*** Uncaught exception ***
src/sandstorm/spk.c++:457: bug in code: child process failed; exitCode = 1
stack: 0x4e28bd 0x4e5e64 0x4069bd 0x4066dc 0x403ff4 0x40db46 0x40d55d 0x4edeff 0x4ef50d 0x4ef7f6 0x4e2f16 0x4e831d 0x4024c8 0x536aa0 0x4011a7
Failed to install app: Error: Unpack failed.
    at AppInstaller.<anonymous> (app/server/installer.js:314:13)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (app/server/installer.js:152:21)
    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
    at maybeClose (child_process.js:753:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:5)
jparyani commented 10 years ago

Sorry about that, it somehow got corrupted when I uploaded. A tested working version is up at md5sum=dc5fe51f0809c258db810d4e10584644

lofidevops commented 10 years ago

The upgrade process completed successfully (included a prompt to replace files) but I seem to be getting the same error when I click on the Mailpile cog. This occurs on the existing grain and a fresh grain. I included the long datadict this time in case that helps:

Template error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mailpile/", line 418, in render_web
    return template.render(alldata)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jinja2/", line 969, in render
    return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jinja2/", line 742, in handle_exception
    reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
  File "/static/default/html/settings/index.html", line 30, in top-level template code
    <option {% if route.port == 465 %}selected {% endif %}value="465">465 (TLS)</option>
  File "/static/default/html/layouts/full.html", line 33, in top-level template code
    {% block content %}{{results}}{% endblock %}
  File "/static/default/html/settings/index.html", line 40, in block "content"
    This grain's email address is {{ (result.profiles[1] and result.profiles[1].email) or result.profiles[0].email }}. If you want to continue using your current email, then you should <a href="">set up forwarding</a>. Emails sent from this grain will appear to be from {{ result.profiles[0].email }} by default.
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jinja2/", line 397, in getattr
    return getattr(obj, attribute)
UndefinedError: mailpile.config.Checker object has no element 0


DATA: defaultdict(<type 'str'>, {'status': 'success', 'url_protocol': 'http', 'name': None, 'title': 'Displayed settings', 'event_id': '53e1f7b1.00014.2b', 'elapsed': '0.000', 'message_count': 0, 'http_hostname': 'localhost', 'state': {'command_url': '/settings/', 'context_url': '/settings/', 'query_args': {'_method': u'GET', 'arg': [u'profiles']}}, 'http_method': 'GET', 'http_host': 'localhost:7003', 'result': {'profiles': []}, 'csrf': '165e642-dLjOJe7JWard1Z8myMnxcI56cJ8', 'command': 'print', 'message': 'Displayed settings', 'config': {'tags': {'1': {u'slug': u'mp_ham', u'name': u'mp_ham', u'display_order': 1.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'ham', u'display': u'invisible'}, '0': {u'name': u'Files', u'display_order': 38.0, u'search_terms': u'has:attachment', u'label_color': u'06-blue', u'template': u'files', u'type': u'tag', u'slug': u'files', u'icon': u'icon-document'}, '3': {u'name': u'Drafts', u'display_order': 35.0, u'display': u'priority', u'flag_editable': True, u'label_color': u'03-gray-dark', u'type': u'drafts', u'slug': u'drafts', u'icon': u'icon-compose'}, '2': {u'display_order': 2.0, u'display': u'invisible', u'type': u'ham', u'name': u'Ham', u'slug': u'ham'}, '5': {u'slug': u'mp_fwd', u'name': u'mp_fwd', u'display_order': 3.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'fwded', u'display': u'invisible'}, '4': {u'name': u'Spam', u'display_order': 36.0, u'display': u'priority', u'label_color': u'10-orange', u'type': u'spam', u'slug': u'spam', u'flag_hides': True, u'icon': u'icon-spam'}, '7': {u'name': u'Links', u'display_order': 39.0, u'search_terms': u'http', u'slug': u'links', u'type': u'tag', u'label_color': u'12-red', u'icon': u'icon-links'}, '6': {u'slug': u'mp_tag', u'name': u'mp_tag', u'display_order': 4.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'tagged', u'display': u'invisible'}, '9': {u'name': u'MaybeSpam', u'display_order': 5.0, u'display': u'invisible', u'label_color': u'10-orange', u'slug': u'maybespam', u'icon': u'icon-spam'}, '8': {u'name': u'All Mail', u'display_order': 40.0, u'search_terms': u'all:mail', u'slug': u'all-mail', u'type': u'tag', u'label_color': u'06-blue', u'icon': u'icon-logo'}, 'a': {u'name': u'Photos', u'display_order': 41.0, u'search_terms': u'att:jpg', u'label_color': u'08-green', u'template': u'photos', u'type': u'tag', u'slug': u'photos', u'icon': u'icon-photos'}, 'c': {u'name': u'Inbox', u'display_order': 34.0, u'display': u'priority', u'label_color': u'06-blue', u'type': u'inbox', u'slug': u'inbox', u'icon': u'icon-inbox'}, 'b': {u'slug': u'mp_rpl', u'name': u'mp_rpl', u'display_order': 6.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'replied', u'display': u'invisible'}, 'd': {u'name': u'Blank', u'display_order': 7.0, u'slug': u'blank', u'flag_editable': True, u'type': u'blank', u'display': u'invisible'}, '11': {u'slug': u'mp_enc-mixed-decrypted', u'name': u'mp_enc-mixed-decrypted', u'display_order': 28.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'attribute', u'display': u'invisible'}, '10': {u'slug': u'mp_enc-error', u'name': u'mp_enc-error', u'display_order': 27.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'attribute', u'display': u'invisible'}, '13': {u'slug': u'mp_enc-mixed-missingkey', u'name': u'mp_enc-mixed-missingkey', u'display_order': 30.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'attribute', u'display': u'invisible'}, '12': {u'slug': u'mp_enc-decrypted', u'name': u'mp_enc-decrypted', u'display_order': 29.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'attribute', u'display': u'invisible'}, 'e': {u'name': u'New', u'display_order': 8.0, u'slug': u'new', u'label_color': u'03-gray-dark', u'label': False, u'type': u'unread', u'display': u'invisible', u'icon': u'icon-new'}, '14': {u'slug': u'mp_enc-missingkey', u'name': u'mp_enc-missingkey', u'display_order': 37.0, u'label': False, u'type': u'attribute', u'display': u'invisible'}, 'g': {u'name': u'Outbox', u'display_order': 32.0, u'display': u'priority', u'label_color': u'06-blue', u'type': u'outbox', u'slug': u'outbox', u'icon': u'icon-outbox'}, 'f': {u'name': u'Trash', u'display_order': 33.0, u'display': u'priority', u'label_color': u'13-brown', u'type': u'trash', u'slug': u'trash', u'flag_hides': True, u'icon': u'icon-tra
lofidevops commented 10 years ago

Might be related (from wrench/log icon while on grain). Note I haven't ever configured Mailpile (I assume I do this from the cog?). I skipped the Sandstorm email setup, so if that's the cause I can run the config again.

** SANDSTORM SUPERVISOR: Starting up grain.
+ export HOME=/var
+ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+ cd /var
+ test -e mail
+ /usr/bin/python /mp --rescan all

    "mailboxes": 0, 
    "messages": 0, 
    "vcards": 0
+ /usr/bin/python /mp --www
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 595, in process_request_thread
    self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File "/mailpile/", line 375, in finish_request
    SimpleXMLRPCServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 334, in finish_request
    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 651, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 340, in handle
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 328, in handle_one_request
  File "/mailpile/", line 265, in do_GET
  File "/mailpile/", line 220, in set_profile
    config.profiles = profiles
  File "/mailpile/", line 570, in __setattr__
    self.__setitem__(attr, value)
  File "/mailpile/", line 610, in __setitem__
    ) % (self._name, key, value))
ValueError: Invalid value for config/profiles: [{'name': 'xxxxxxxx', 'email': 'xxxxxxxxxx@localhost'}, {}]
jparyani commented 10 years ago

Updated spk fixing the problem with utf8 characters in your name is uploaded at Let me know how it works out.

lofidevops commented 10 years ago

It works! (No error, instead a message about how to set up email forwarding.) Thanks :D