This is an Android port of Underworld Exporter project found at
Underworld Exporter for Android has the following system requirements:
Android version of this engine supports gamepads.
Gamepad works correctly only with hidden screen controls
Default controls:
Movement - Left Stick
Mouselook - Right Stick
Left mouse button click emulation - Right Shoulder
Right mouse button click emulation - Left Shoulder
Jump - Button South
Toggle mouselook - Button East
Cast selected spell - Right Trigger
Interaction modes - From Left Trigger To Dpad Buttons
Fly Up - Button North
Fly down - Button West
Track skill - Right Stick Press
Charge Attack - Hold down Right Shoulder
Release Attack - Release Right Shoulder
Escape - Button Start
This Android port should also support keyboard and mouse
Default keyboard and mouse controls:
Movement - WASD
Jump - Spare
Toggle mouselook* - E
Cast selected spell* - Q
Toggle fullscreen* - F (some ui elements are draggable in fullscreen mode)
Interaction modes* F1 to F6.
Fly Up* - R
Fly down* = V
Track* = T
Charge Attack - Hold down right mouse key
Release Attack - Release right mouse key.
To get an APK file, clone this repository, open the Underworld-Exporter-Android
directory in Unity 6000.0.29f1 and run the project.
1) Music is not included in binary files.
Users need to download it from here
then copy this music to phone, and write path to it in config.ini, which is stored in the folder, where all game data files are stored.
2) New game is broken after loading any save, if you want to start new game after loading any save - use "Restart Game Scene" button
This port based on hankmorgan sources -