sanjoyg / dirigera_platform

HomeAssistant Integration for Dirigera Platform
MIT License
71 stars 8 forks source link

Badring watersensor #34

Closed mgums closed 2 months ago

mgums commented 2 months ago

Can you add the Badring watersensor please? I would love to help supplying the json but I fail to get it or understand how to get it. I do have the Badring watersensor at home now, so if you have more detailed instructions, let me know.

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

I updated the README to put a link to detailed instructions that links to a new WIKI page, do use it to dump the json

mgums commented 2 months ago

Here you go sanjoyg, please let me know if this is sufficient.

2024-04-17 15:48:09.318 INFO (SyncWorker_22) [custom_components.dirigera_platform] === START Devices JSON === 2024-04-17 15:48:09.318 INFO (SyncWorker_22) [custom_components.dirigera_platform] -------------- 2024-04-17 15:48:09.700 INFO (SyncWorker_22) [custom_components.dirigera_platform] [{'id': 'bbc4b3e7-27a6-49aa-8c6e-a726456b790f_1', 'type': 'controller', 'deviceType': 'lightController', 'createdAt': '2024-04-14T18:40:11.000Z', 'isReachable': True, 'lastSeen': '2024-04-17T10:17:36.000Z', 'attributes': {'customName': 'Afstandsbediening 1', 'firmwareVersion': '1.0.57', 'hardwareVersion': '1', 'manufacturer': 'IKEA of Sweden', 'model': 'RODRET Dimmer', 'productCode': 'E2201', 'serialNumber': '5CC7C1FFFE846FAC', 'batteryPercentage': 100, 'isOn': False, 'lightLevel': 1, 'permittingJoin': False, 'otaPolicy': 'autoUpdate', 'otaProgress': 0, 'otaScheduleEnd': '00:00', 'otaScheduleStart': '00:00', 'otaState': 'readyToCheck', 'otaStatus': 'upToDate', 'circadianPresets': []}, 'capabilities': 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sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

Thank you, so the instructions worked :-)

I have submitted a pull request to the base library once merged will incorporate it.

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

Alright water sensor support added, do try out with the new release and let me know

mgums commented 2 months ago

Hi Sanjoy, the watersensor is now a device in HA and it has two entities: watersensor plus its battery. That's the good news. I triggered the watersensor multiple times and only got one entry/alarm in the HA log, whereas the IKEA app reported a water alarm multiple times. I did the debugging, however during the debugging I was not able to get even one entry in the log. Enclosed find the debug log, maybe it is of help here. If not please let me know. Anyway, thx for the prompt support. We are making good progress! home-assistant_dirigera_platform_2024-04-19T16-50-56.013Z.log

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

Thank you, I see the state did change but mostly for 10 seconds or lower. If you search the log for "setting water_leak_detected to" you would see it does set it in HASS

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

Fixed, check with new release

mgums commented 2 months ago

The first time I checked after your new release 1.5.6 the alarm raised immediately. That's the good news. The alarm did not clear straight away. So I thought there was some build-in wait time to clear, say 5 minutes. Biut after waiting very, very long nothing cleared. Than I raised a new alarm: the very long alarm cleared. After that, every time when there is water, there is an alarm. since writing I kept trying but so far the weird behaviour from the first lines in this comment did not appear again. But I am a bit suspicious so I keep trying in the next couple of days. Thx Sanjoy, good work.

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

I will check.. but do paste the logs to check if the status was changed when it switched to "off"

On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 at 01:16, mgums @.***> wrote:

The first time I checked after your new release 1.5.6 the alarm raised immediately. That's the good news. The alarm did not clear straight away. So I thought there was some build-in wait time to clear, say 5 minutes. Biut after waiting very, very long nothing cleared. Than I raised a new alarm: the very long alarm cleared. After that, every time when there is water, there is an alarm. since writing I kept trying but so far the weird behaviour from the first lines in this comment did not appear again. But I am a bit suspicious so I keep trying in the next couple of days. Thx Sanjoy, good work.

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mgums commented 2 months ago

I did not experience weird behaviour Sanjoy. Must say that I don't have waterissues at home so there is not much to detect. Thx for now.

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

thank you for the update, closing this for now.