sanjoyg / dirigera_platform

HomeAssistant Integration for Dirigera Platform
MIT License
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Non-IKEA sensors support? #35

Closed mgums closed 2 months ago

mgums commented 2 months ago

Hi. It is possible to connect non-IKEA sensors to the Dirigera hub. Like a smoke detector for instance. Will these foreign sensors be visible as a device/entity? Or could that be made possible with some custom settings/forms/configs? I am about to buy a smoke detector and connect it to the Dirigera hub, would be a pity if I would not get it into HA.

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

I am not sure, however if you can add it to dirigera and then dump the JSON it will give me an indication

mgums commented 2 months ago

Thx Sanjay. One of these days I will buy one and let you know. I can imagine you don't want to add every individual Zigbee device of the world so if I could add it myself with some instructions, also fine with me. And thanks for the good work on this IKEA Dirigera hub! Kind regards, Marco

sanjoyg commented 2 months ago

When you buy it, will be interesting to see the JSON dump... and I will include instructions to adding of your own.

mgums commented 2 months ago

Hi Sanjoy, I bought this Zigbee smoke detector, but I did not manage to get it connected to the Dirigera hub at all. I have the feeling the Dirigera can connect with other party lamps, but not sensors. Too bad. So for me you can close this issue. Thx anyway.