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Abbreviations in Vacaspatyam #308

Open funderburkjim opened 4 years ago

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

A user (James) recently raised this question to Thomas, who forwarded it to me:

Is there a list of Abbreviations used in the Vācaspatya? 
I looked in the front matter, and at the end of several volumes 
(found on but I don't see a list.  

Interesting question.

My response:

  AFAIK,  there is no published list of abbreviations for Vacaspatyam.

  It would be fairly easy to develop such a list, since abbreviations in VCP  
are words ending in the digit '0'.

  Developing the expansions of these would be less easy, but probably doable.

  If you have interest in helping with such a project, let me know.  I'm sure 
the  end result would be useful to any reader of the dictionary.
gasyoun commented 4 years ago

It would be fairly easy to develop such a list, since abbreviations in VCP
are words ending in the digit '0'.

Let us start with the first step, the list to be deciphered later?

drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago

It would be a worthwhile exercise.