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Order Alphabetically dictnames.js #344

Closed gasyoun closed 3 years ago

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

@funderburkjim now if I want to find MW, I will find MW72 first, because it's higher in the list.



If order alphabetically, the issues will go away. Later manual fine-tuning can be added. Agree @drdhaval2785 ?

[['ACC'      'Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum']
['AE'    'Apte Student English-Sanskrit Dictionary']
['AP'    'Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary
['AP90'      'Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['ARMH' 'Abhidhānaratnamālā of Halāyudha']
['BEN'   'Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['BHS'   'Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary']
['BOP'   'Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum']
['BOR'   'Borooah English-Sanskrit Dictionary']
['BUR'   'Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français']
['CAE'   'Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['CCS'   'Cappeller Sanskrit Wörterbuch']
['GRA'   'Grassmann Wörterbuch zum Rig Veda']
['GST'   'Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['IEG'   'Indian Epigraphical Glossary']
['INM'   'Index to the Names in the Mahabharata']
['KRM'   'Kṛdantarūpamālā']
['LAN'   'Lanman Sanskrit Reader Dictionary']
['MCI'   'Mahabharata Cultural Index']
['MD'    'Macdonell Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['MW'    'Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['MW72'      'Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['MWE'   'Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary']
['PD'    'An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles']
['PE'    'Puranic Encyclopedia']
['PGN'   'Personal and Geographical Names in the Gupta Inscriptions']
['PUI'   'The Purana Index']
['PW'    'Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung']
['PWG'   'Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch']
['SCH'   'Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch']
['SHS'   'Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['SKD'   'Sabda-kalpadruma']
['SNP'   'Meulenbeld Sanskrit Names of Plants']
['STC'   'Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français']
['VCP'   'Vacaspatyam']
['VEI'   'The Vedic Index of Names and Subjects']
['YAT'   'Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
['WIL'   'Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary']
gasyoun commented 3 years ago

@funderburkjim hope you agree with the updated order.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Implemented your ordering in dictnames.js.

Also, commented out ap and pd. But you can still get them by typing.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

Implemented your ordering


But you can still get them by typing.

Good to know.