sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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PWK missing pages vol 3 #71

Closed funderburkjim closed 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago


where the missing pages of pwk volume 3 are both identified (pages 257-265) and a pdf of the missing pages is provided.

The limited objective is to prepare for usage in the Scanned Edition display (

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

prep of jpg

Again, Adobe Acrobat 9 can be used to extract the pages as .jpg files. Open the 9-page pdf, then choose 'File/export/image/JPEG' . Adobe creates files named PWK.V.3.ending_Page_1.jpg through PWK.V.3.ending_Page_9.jpg.

Copy these files into directory rename_jpg, and also rename the files as pw3-257N.jpg, ..., pw3-265N.jpg.

The image size of these 9 pages is 2538 x 3534 pixels. By contrast, the image size of the other jpg files is 1414 x 2000 pixels.

copy the rename_jpg directory to rename_jpg_resize, then Use Windows Paint program to resize. Open 'Paint' (not Paint 3d) in windows 10. Open each file, choose resize tool. Select 'pixels' and change horizontal to 1414. The aspect ratio is maintained and vertical pixels becomes 1968. Save.

Then drag/drop the resized jpg images in rename_jpg_resize to Cologne server at scans/PWScan/PWScanjpg/ directory.

Finally, Insert new file names on Cologne server into file scans/PWScan/pwfiles.txt pw3-257N pw3-258N pw3-259N pw3-260N pw3-261N pw3-262N pw3-263N pw3-264N pw3-265N

Now the scanned edition display for volume 3 of PWK includes the extra 9 pages at the end (257-265).