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metr. abbreviation in MW #74

Closed funderburkjim closed 3 months ago

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Noticed 9 instances of abbreviation 'metr.' in mw.txt. Here are the headwords and lines involved:

; <L>97951<pc>502,2<k1>druh<k2>druh<h>1<e>1
329893 old <hom>1.</hom> <s>druh</s> ¦ <ab>cl.</ab> 4. <ab>P.</ab> <s>dru/hyati</s> 
(<ab>ep.</ab> and metr. also <ab>Ā.</ab> <s>°te</s>), <ls>Br.</ls>; <ls>MBh.</ls>; <ls>R.
</ls> &c. ...... ETC.
; <L>101150<pc>516,1<k1>DArmiReya<k2>DArmiReya<e>2
340507 old <s>DArmiReya</s> ¦ metr. <ab>fr.</ab> <s>DarmiRI</s> <ab>g.</ab> 
; <L>177247<pc>876,3<k1>rADeya<k2>rADeya<e>2
593936 old <s>rADeya</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> metr. of <s1 slp1="karRa">Karṇa</s1> 
(<ab>cf.</ab> under <s>rADA</s>), <ls>MBh.</ls>; <ls>R.</ls>; <ls>Rājat.</ls><info lex="m"/>
; <L>191177<pc>942,1<k1>vAmneya<k2>vAmneya<e>2
638899 old <s>vAmneya</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> metr. <ab>fr.</ab> <ab>prec.</ab> 
<ls>PañcavBr.</ls><info lex="m"/>
; NOTE:  'prec.' is this preceding entry:
; <L>191176<pc>942,1<k1>vAmnI<k2>vAmnI<e>1
; <s>vAmnI</s> ¦ <lex>f.</lex> <ab>N.</ab> of a woman (<ab>cf.</ab> next). <info lex="f"/>

; <L>196841<pc>969,2<k1>vinatAtanayA<k2>vi/-natA—tanayA<e>3
657508 old <s>vi/-natA—tanayA</s> ¦ <lex>f.</lex> 
‘daughter of <ab n="Veda" slp1="veda">V°</ab>’,
 metr. of <s1 slp1="su-mati">Su-mati</s1>, <ls>VP.</ls><info lex="f"/>
;  NOTE:  'daughter of Veda' should be corrected to 'daughter of vinatA'

; <L>220979<pc>1089,2<k1>SEkzita<k2>SEkzita<e>1
736204 old <s>SEkzita</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> metr. <ab>fr.</ab> <s>SikzitA</s>, 
<ls>Pāṇ. 4-1, 113</ls> <ab>Sch.</ab><info lex="m"/>
; <L>252391<pc>1247,3<k1>sEMhika<k2>sEMhika<e>2B
840139 old <s>sEMhika</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> (<ab>fr.</ab> <s>siMhikA</s>), 
metr. of <s1 slp1="rAhu">Rāhu</s1> or the personified ascending node 
(<ab>cf.</ab> next), <ls>L.</ls><info lex="m"/>
; <L>252394<pc>1247,3<k1>sEMhikeya<k2>sEMhikeya<e>2B
840148 old ¦ metr. of <s1 slp1="rAhu">Rāhu</s1> (<ab>cf.</ab> <ab>prec.</ab>), 
<ls>Kāv.</ls>; <ls>VarBṛS.</ls>; <ls>BhP.</ls><info lex="inh"/>
; <L>255999<pc>1266,1<k1>sTOrya<k2>sTOrya<e>2
851699 old <s>sTOrya</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> metr. <ab>fr.</ab> <s>sTUrA</s> 
<ab>g.</ab> <s>gargA<srs/>di</s>.<info lex="m"/>

These need to be marked as abbreviation, but there seem to be two distinct usages:


  1. Do you agree with the 'metronymic' tooltip for those words mentioned?
  2. What should the tooltip be for the other 3 ?
Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

MW has (ep. and metr. also Ā. °te) under druh, as against " ep. auch med." in PWG. So, it appears that and metr. is a residual text in MW and should have only also Ā.

The other two cases belong to the same category as the rest to denote metronymic.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

Do you agree with the 'metronymic' tooltip for those words mentioned?


Andhrabharati commented 3 months ago

@funderburkjim it seems you had missed my above post reg. druh entry.

@gasyoun do you have anything against this?

funderburkjim commented 3 months ago

Nice analysis re 'druh'. Additionally noticed mw72 has also Ā.

This issue now completed.

gasyoun commented 3 months ago

do you have anything against this?

@Andhrabharati I'm all for it