sap-oc / crowbar-openstack

Openstack deployment for Crowbar
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Pacemaker monitor action times out #38

Open matelakat opened 7 years ago

matelakat commented 7 years ago

Suddenly all lsb ocf resources report that monitor timed out.

matelakat commented 7 years ago

killproc/checkproc timed out - it seems that if there are processes in the system with their binaries living on I/O blocked NFS shares - checkproc/killproc times out regardless of what was the process that we were asking to monitor. We were able to reproduce this, and the logs were very similar to the ones we have seen on the bug report. At this point I can think of 3 options:

matelakat commented 7 years ago

Looking at option B for now - investigate killproc/checkproc

matelakat commented 7 years ago

See line 730 of