[x] Unit transformation. Create functions to transform between sap flow units. _Implemented in
qc_sapw_conversion and other helper functions (qc_sapw_area_calculator, qc_get_sapw_md
and qc_cm_cm_h family functions)_.
[x] Units visualization. Functions to visualize different sapflow units (sapwood, plant, leafarea) to
detect incongruencies. Semiimplemented using dygraphs package
[x] Timestamp errors. Functions to identify tiemstamp errors. _Implemented in qc_timestamp_errors
and qc_is_timestamp functions_
[x] Gaps. Functions to identify and characterize time gaps in the timestamp. Also functions to obtain
information about gap coberture. _Implemented in qc_mind_the_gap and
vis_plot_the_gap functions_
[x] ~Data aggregation. Functions to allow data aggregation based on time (daily aggregations for
example)~ Not needed in this step
[x] Temporal series visualization. Functions/Interactive reports to allow the temp series visualization.
Semiimplemented using dygraphs package
[x] Data load from csv. As csv files come in so many flavours, functions to ensure a correct data load
are needed.
[x] Data columns classes. Numeric classes are to be expected in data so we need functions to detect
the class and identify the causes of class mismatch.
[x] Calculate solar time and extraterrestrial solar radiation. _Implemented in qc_ext_radiation, but the results of the function regarding solar time should still be compared with external conversions to be sure it works properly_
[x] Function to check if there is concordance between sapflow TIMESTAMP and environmental
TIMESTAMP. _Implemented in qc_timestamp_concordance function, both graphical and
numeric outputs_
[x] Function to obtain t0 and tf for each tree, as well as for each environmental variable.
_Implemented in qc_time_interval function_
[x] Visualization functions:
[x] Heatmap calendar for fast identification of gaps. _Implemented in vis_gaps_calendar_
[x] Histogram for gap lengths to see distribution. _Implemented in vis_plot_the_gap_
and other helper functions (qc_sapw_area_calculator
family functions)_.dygraphs
, but the results of the function regarding solar time should still be compared with external conversions to be sure it works properly_qc_timestamp_concordance
function, both graphical and numeric outputs_qc_time_interval