sapmentors / SITreg

SAP Event Registration app backend
Apache License 2.0
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Possibility to Check-In at the SIT counter via QR-Code #10

Closed chtcil closed 7 years ago

chtcil commented 8 years ago

Thanks to the work of @jpenninkhof openui5-qrcode it is possible to integrate a QR code into UI5 in the Participant registration app and/or also send a QR code via mail (here we might need different frameworks, but at this point i cannot say for sure). With this functionality the Participant can show his QR code at the counter. With that his participantship at the event can be verified via a smartphone at the counter

gregorwolf commented 8 years ago

I've started a PoC for the end user UI at XSauthLevelPoCPublicUI and for the backend at XSauthLevelPoC. The missing part is now the sales assistant UI with the QRCode reader and backend status change. When that is working for the PoC we can start implementing this feature.

gregorwolf commented 8 years ago

Will define new Entity Ticket as:

    type TicketUsedT : String(1) enum{ YES = 'Y'; NO = 'N'; };
    type HashT       : Binary(32);

    entity Ticket {
        key ParticipantID    : BusinessKey;
            TicketUsed       : TicketUsedT;
            SHA256HASH       : HashT;
            History          : HistoryT;
gregorwolf commented 8 years ago

Forgot link last commit 84a85e051205f9c724dc99fd71a55aa7df46d7eb to this issue.

chtcil commented 8 years ago

am working through the tutorials With the aim to have a functioning sitMUC receptionist App running on an iPad

gregorwolf commented 8 years ago

Hi Alex, the backend should be fine already. Please check the Issue Display QR code for participant. I've started with the view but currently got stuck with the correct data binding. For the receptionist app we have to create a new project. And don't spent to much time on HCPms. As a backup we can always use the SAP Compagnion App to get the receptionist app running. CU Gregor